He's Sick and Stubborn (Cam Newton) For Abigail

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It was 6:00 in the morning when you got a phone call from your best friend Cam Newton "Cam you better be dying to be calling me this early" you threatened half asleep. "I need you" he groaned through the phone sounding sick "ok I'll be there in a hour" you said before hanging up.
You rolled out of bed took a shower, got dressed and left for his house.

You soon arrived to Cam's house and entered using the key he gave you for emergencies. As soon as you walked in you found him laid out on the couch with used tissue all around him and a carton of orange juice. "Hey Cam" you whispered entering his house "Hey, I'm glad you're here. I was wondering if you could give me a ride to practice. I don't feel like driving" "You're kidding right?" You questioned walking closer to him to get a good look at him. He looked green, tired and his smile wasn't as big and bright as it usually was. "Cam you can't go to practice you're sick" "it's just a little cold. Nothing I can't handle" he said pushing himself up off the couch. You watched him shuffle slowly towards the stairs. He couldn't even get the strength to get up to the second stair. "Cam that's it I'm calling Coach Rivera and telling him you can't make it to practice" you said making your way to the phone.
You dialed the number to the coaches office "Coach Rivera?" You asked "yes" "This is Abigail a close friend of Cam Newton. He won't be able to make it to practice today he's sick. He can barely make it up his stairs" "ok I understand. Tell Cam to get some rest" he said on the other side of the phone. "Will do. Thank you" you said hanging up.

"Abigail why did you do that" Cam yelled losing his voice "because you're sick. That's why you called me and why I came over" you yelled getting agitated with his attitude. "Now you can either choose to sit your butt back on that couch or we can do it the hard way" you said crossing your arms and staring at him angrily. "Ok mom" he said putting the emphasis on mom. "Now sit there while I cook you something to eat. and put this thermometer under your tongue" you said pulling it out of your bag and handing it to him.

You then entered the kitchen and started cooking some chicken noodle soup. "Best Friiiiiiiend" you heard a call from the living room "Yes Cam?" You yelled back "It says 102.2" he yelled back. "Here take this" you said walking towards him with some flu medicine. "No!" He said covering his mouth. It seems like he literally turns into a five year old when he gets sick, you thought to yourself "Cam please" you begged "no it's nasty" he said shaking his head "Fine then don't take it then in a couple hours we'll have to call a ambulance to take you to the hospital and you won't be able to play this Sunday" you said walking away "Ok ok just give me the damn medicine" you smiled in triumph.
The rest of the day went like this, with Cam fighting you on every little thing. From what you watch, to what to eat. If you didn't love him you would've left by now. But unfortunately you were madly in love with him and would do anything for him. To bad he only saw you as a friend.

It was eight at night and you were getting tired and drifting off to sleep. Then you heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. Standing at the door was almost all of Cam's teammates. "Hey Abigail we heard Cam was sick so we came to annoy him even more" Luke said entering the house with everyone else on his heels.
While they were playing video games and doing guy things you decided to take a nap on the couch laying your head on Cam's lap.

You woke up but heard someone mention your name so you shut your eyes quickly again to hear what they were saying about you. "Man were you really sick or did you just want a excuse to spend the whole day with Abigail" "Man shut up I'm actually sick" you heard Cam retort "yea whatever". "What I'm trying to figure out is what's taking you so long to ask her out" "I'm waiting on the right moment" Cam defended "You better hurry up before I ask her out cause she is looking sexier by the second" one teammate said. Then you heard a loud smack and assumed it was Cam hitting whoever said the previous statement.
Hearing this conversation put a permeant smile on your face making you giddy at the fact that Cam felt the same way as you.

When you woke back up all the guys were still there but Cam was missing. "Luke where's Cam?" You asked rubbing the sleep out of your eyes"The kitchen I think" he answered focused on the tv.
You walked in the kitchen and found Cam stuffing his face with chips "You feeling better?" You questioned smirking "yea" he said with a mouth full of food. You turned away laughing when Cam suddenly grabbed your hand pulling you back towards him kissing you roughly, biting your lips and letting his hands roam to your butt.
You heard all of his teammates cheering behind you making you both smile. "Damn I've been waiting to do that since forever" he said pulling away breathlessly. "Me too, but I bet not get sick" you said making him laugh.

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