His Mom Doesn't Like You (Cam Newton)

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You have never been this nervous about anything in your whole life. But today wasn't a regular day, it was the day where you were going to meet your boyfriend of nine months mother.

On the drive to her house Cam kept trying to console you that she would like you. Although you disagreed because you knew he was her one and only baby and they had a special bond. If she didn't like you that was it for your and Cam's relationship.

You two pulled up to the beautiful two story house and got out the car. You guys were greeted by a small plump woman. You could see where Cam got his beautiful smile from.

"Mom this is Y/N. My girlfriend." "Hi" you squeaked shaking her hand firmly but not to hard "Oh. Another girlfriend" she said dropping her hand by her side and giving you a once over. Before you or Cam could retort a tall well built man came to the door. You knew instantly it was Cam's father from the familiar built of their bodies. "Who is this lovely Angel?" the man asked smiling and shaking your hand tenderly "Y/N" you answered smiling up at the man.

You four sat at the table in the dining room where dinner was already laid out and prepared. "So Y/N what do you do for a living?" Mr.Newton asked taking a bite out of his food "I work at the local middle school. I'm a chorus teacher" "How did you meet my son" his mother asked you rudely. "He came to my school to talk to the kids" you answered flatly.

After eating dinner and answering a tone of loaded questions from his mother you were one rude remark from putting the woman in her place.

You decided to help his mother with the dishes to see why she disliked you so much. "Mrs. Newton why is it that you dislike me so much?" you asked "I've seen so many of you girls come through here. I'm just waiting for you to do something stupid and he let you go" "You could at least give me a fighting chance" you argued "I just look at you and know you're not good enough for my son. Probably just some hoe who needs someone to pay her light bill and found the richest and closets dick you could find." She said walking away.

That was it you were done being polite to this woman. "Listen here you judgmental bitch! You don't know a thing about me. For you to compare me to Cam's exes is rude and disrespectful. I tried to be nice and reasonable, but you threw that out the window with your fucking manners." you shouted to the small woman and stormed out.

After a few minutes you saw Cam walking out the house towards you "What happened in there?" he asked. You were tired and didn't want to talk out of fear of saying something to him you wouldn't be able to take back. "Nothing" you said getting into the car.

"Something had to happen it's not like you to blow up like that" he said pushing the topic further "Cam did you ever notice how none of your girlfriends got along with your mom?" "no" he said simply "It's cause she's a bitch" you said ending the conversation.

After that terrible dinner you never apologized and never received one. However his mom seemed to notice that you were sticking around longer than Cam's previous girlfriends. You two figured out how to be around each other without arguing every ten minutes about every little thing.

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