Time Freeze(Castiel) Supernatural

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It was moments like these that made you wish you could freeze time. You weren't stitching up any wounds, or doing any research on an all to real 'mythical' creature. Sam was actually laughing and smiling, and not just faking it. Dean wasn't worried about anyone or saving the world. His main concern was trying to convince you to bake him another pie. But the best part was watching Cas trying to understand the joke book Dean brought for him. You found the way he furrowed his eyebrows together while trying to understand the joke he just read absolutely adorable. You loved leaning over his shoulder trying to help him understand these corny jokes, not only for the closeness of him but for the smell of him. For a trench coat that's been through heaven, hell, purgatory, and back it smelled surprisingly sweet and comforting , like it just came fresh out of the dryer with fabric softener.

"I don't...I don't understand." Cas called out confused "What's the joke?" Sam asked grabbing the book from his grasp. "What's a clock favorites spice?" "Thyme" Dean replied easily "but it's physically impossible for a clock to taste so why exactly does it need a favorite spice?" Cas asked tilting his head "Cas it's just a play on words don't take it to seriously" you said biting into the pizza. "...oh...It's getting late I think I'll retire to my bedroom" he said leaving the table. You noticed as Castiel left to his room he looked a little defeated. His shoulders sagged a little lower than usual and his eyes didn't shine bright blue like they usually did. You knew something was up and he wasn't tired besides angels don't sleep.

You excused yourself from the table and went to check up on your winged friend. You went to knock on the wooden door twice. After a couple seconds the door slowly opened. "oh...hello Y/N...what can I help you with?" he questioned stepping aside to let you inside his room. "I saw you looked upset. So I decided to see if I could help you for a change?" you uttered as you took a look around his room. The walls were bare, the bed was made to perfection, the closet empty except for a few hangers. Cas really needed to decorate this room so it wouldn't look so empty and depressing.

"That is greatly appreciated Y/N but I'm doing fine" Cas responded with a small sad smirk on his face. "I don't believe that" you said taking a seat on his bed causing the sheets to crinkle a little "So tell me what's really going on" you demanded crossing your arms and giving him a look that said you meant business. He sighed taking a seat on the bed next to you folding his hands in his lap, a bad habit he picked up when he's nervous about something. "I think I might be what you call... home sick" he confessed keeping his gaze on the floor. "Cas what are you talking about you visit heaven on a regular bases" you said confused "I know but...every since my father and brothers left, heaven isn't even the same anymore. No more fighting from Michael and Lucifer, I miss the practical jokes Gabriel and Balthazar would pull on unsuspecting angels including myself. So many of my fellow brothers and sister have been killed in wars, some that I've started" by now Castiel had a few tears running down his face. You never really realized how alone he truly was in this universe. Every since he raised Dean from perdition he's had to do a lot of things he's not accustomed to. He had to rebel, kill his brothers and sister, started wars in heaven, played God and helped unknowingly lock all of the angels out of heaven. So of course he missed his family even the ones that wanted him locked away in heavens prison or worse. "God Cas I guess I never realized how alone you are" you said feeling sorry for the angel but also feeling like a idiot for not realizing this sooner. "It's ok Y/N don't beat yourself up over my problems" he said smiling at you. Even though he told you not to you couldn't help it. After all Cas has done for you, Sam and Dean you should be able to help him some type of way. "I don't know if I could get Sam and Dean to fight anything close to how Michael and Lucifer did but I do have an idea." You stated a evil idea popping into your head.

"Ok down in the garage is about five buckets of paint. You go grab those and I'll grab the leftover balloons from Sam's birthday party. And we'll meet back in here" You told Cas.

Once you two grabbed all the materials you met back in his bedroom. "Y/N I'm confused what are we going to do here?" Cas questioned "You'll see" you replied laying a towel on the floor. You sat on the towel and patted the ground next to you signally for Cas to sit with you. Seeing Cas try to cross his legs is one of the most ridiculous yet interesting things to watch. Its as if his legs belonged to someone else. "Ok all you have to do is fill the balloons with the paint so we can throw them at Sam and Dean" You said while showing him how to pour the paint down the flask into the balloons.

After much wasted paint and many failed attempts by Cas you two finally had enough balloons to run Sam and Dean out of the bunker and never wanting to return. "Ok Cas its almost time to attack" you said stuffing balloons in the many many pockets of his trench coat. You also put some in a basket for easy access. "Ready to go to war?" you asked. Cas suddenly got a panicked look on his face making you chuckling "Not a actual war Cas. It's just an expression" "Oh good" he said taking a sigh of relief.

You and Cas walked towards the kitchen silently not wanting to be heard. You peeped around the corner and noticed Sam and Dean were right where you left them drinking beer. "You ready?" You asked the Angel. He nodded his head pulling a balloon out of his pocket. "Attack!" You yelled throwing the first balloon hitting Sam in the back of his head coloring his hair red. Dean quickly fell to the floor dodging the balloon Cas threw to him. Sam quickly ran around the corner hiding from you. "You get Dean I'll get Sam" you whispered to Cas.

You stalked thought the kitchen silently looking for Sam. You rounded the corner and saw as he finally ran into the bathroom locking the door. "Awe Sammy come on out I'm not gonna hurt you just...give you a makeover" you chuckled jiggling the door handle. you heard a girly shriek come from the library that sounded like Dean, causing you to lose your concentration on Sam. That's when you felt water drench your back. You moved out the way and saw Sam using the shower head to pelt you with water. You retaliated by throwing more balloons his way causing the paint and the water to mix in the middle. "Wait wait truce?" You called out to Sam causing him to turn off the water. "What'cha got?" "We share the balloons and triple team Dean. I know you want him back for what he did to your toothbrush and voicemail" "What about my toothbrush and voicemail?" Sam asked confused "Nothing" you said innocently "Deal" he compromised shaking your hand.

Once you two made it to the library you saw Cas and Dean at a stand still both holding balloons ready to pelt the other with. You approached Dean's right and Sam took his left. "On three" Sam mouthed "one...two..." "THREE" Sam shouted. As soon as Dean turned around he had a face filled with blue and red paint and a back full from Cas.

After a day full of throwing balloons at each other and running around like giant kids the paint finally ran out and Sam suggested cleaning up the place before the paint dried and stayed permanently. "The last thing I expected was getting drenched in paint by Mr. Cosmos and Ms. Clumsy over here" Dean said taking a drink from his beer red paint still in his hair. "Says the guy who screamed like an eight year old girl" you teased "Hey that paint is surprisingly cold" he defended "Yea whatever. And Dean " you said pointing to his hair. "I call the shower!" Sam yelled rushing to the bathroom "Not a chance in hell"Dean yelled chasing after him.

"Y/N" Cas said catching your attention "Yea Cas" "Thank you for today. Every since I came here to earth I haven't had as much fun" he admitted smiling even. "Cas after everything you've done for us I figured it was the least I could do" You smiled. "Its small gestures like these that make me love you"Cas smiled you paused looking at the angel trying to figure out if you heard him correctly. "Wait what?" "Y/N ever since you came out as a prophet of the Lord and I got the fortunate chance to watch over you with Sam and Dean I've fallen for you. Not all at once of course but a little more with each and every day. I think there's no way you could possibly make me love you anymore but then you go and do amazing things like this" Cas confessed. It sounded like something right out of a movie. It's exactly what you've always wanted to hear just a little too sappy but what the hell! The man you've had a crush on since day one is reciprocating your feelings. You literally leaped out your seat crashing your lips onto Cas' causing you two to fall to the floor. "Well it's about time"Dean said standing in the doorway smirking at the two of you. "You just smiled looking back at Cas with an apologetic grin on your face. he just shrugged his shoulder and pulled your face down to his kissing the hell out of you, figuratively of course you being a prophet and all.

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