He Hits You( Colin Kapernick)

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These past couple of months have been hard on your boyfriend Colin. His team didn't make the playoffs, they fired his head coach, one of the only men he felt he could talk to about anything and everything. To add the icing on top you two have been in a dark place for a while.

Since Colin has been feeling frustrated at everything you've decided to steer clear of him for a while, but he's been testing your patience all day. Not saving any hot water for you, complaining about the breakfast you cooked for him, the last straw was him turning the tv from Supernatural your favorite tv show. "I was watching that" you said calmly "well now we're not" he said flipping through the channels. "What crawled up your ass and died?" You questioned getting up and walking away. "The same thing that's stuck up yours" you heard him mumble behind your back. "You know what Colin I'm tired of your stank ass attitude. Just leave! Go! Until you get out of your fucking feels" you yelled at him. "This is my house if anyone should leave it should be your freeloading ass" "Excuse me but I pay just as many bills as you do asshole" "Yea sure you do. And you buy all your own stuff too. How cute" he said smirking and walking past you. Bumping your shoulder on purpose. "I'm so tired of your bitch ass" you screamed at him pushing him in the back.

That's when it happened. He turned back and slapped you so hard you fell onto your back.

The moment you hit the ground he recognized what he had done. He was just as shocked as you were. He didn't know weather to help you up or to just leave. "Y/N I'm so sorry. So so so sorry" he exclaimed reaching out to help you up. As he bent down you kicked him in the crouch making him fall on the floor right beside you where you punched him the stomach with all your force. "Hit me again moutherfucker and I'll fucking end you!" You yelled storming out of the house.

**Two Hours Later**
You were at your best friends house sitting on her couch, while she plotted her revenge on how to get Colin back for hitting you. "Y/Bf/N could you sit down for a second. You're making it hard to think" "Think? There's nothing to think about. He hit you so we gonna do something about it." She said sternly with her hands on her hips. "Ugh could you just-" the ring of the doorbell cut you off mid-sentence. "This isn't over" your best friend said opening the door.

Who else would it be besides Colin. You walked towards the door just in time to see your best friend punch Colin in the jaw making him step back a bit. "I guess I deserved that" he said smiling. "That and more" your best friend said stepping aside letting him in. "I would've been here sooner. But I had to put ice on my friends downstairs" he said walking towards you.
"What do you want Colin?" You asked folding your arms "To apologize. I know I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. It was idiotic and something I promised I would never do. I know it's going to take a lot for you to trust me again and I can accept that but if we never try I won't be able to handle it." "Colin I-" "before you finish that sentence. I brought you two tickets to Greece for you and Y/BF/N. While you're there think about us and if you feel like we deserve another chance at this" he said handing you the tickets with a small sad smile on his face.
You just smiled a little and took the tickets from him, leaving the house. You needed some time to think. Yea it was nice and thoughtful but did you even want to be with him anymore. What would happen when he gets really angry and you're his only outlet?

** Two Weeks Later**
You and your best friend just returned home from your trip. It would've been the best two weeks of your life but you couldn't help but think about Colin. You missed him drastically and couldn't wait to be back home with him.

You walked into your house and saw Colin sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. When he heard you walk in his head quickly snapped up looking at you. "So?" He asked quietly walking towards you. You just kissed him on the lips sweetly. "What can I say I missed you. Grumpy and all. But don't think I won't be taking up self defense classes so I can keep your ass in check." " I don't think you need to that kick and punch was enough to knock me down a while" "Well I guess I'm going to add to my strength" you said smiling.
"You know you told me you missed me but I think I need some proof" he said pulling you closer to him and licking his lips. This you couldn't resist!

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