He Cheats Cont.

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It's been 6 months since you finally broken things off with Max, and you were in a great place. Work was going great you got employee of the month twice, a raise and a brand new office. Since right now work was the only thing on your plate everything else just fell in order.

Today after work you decided instead of ordering take out or trying to cook a decent dinner that you would take yourself out for a nice quiet dinner. You decided on your favorite which is Carrabbas an Italian grill. 

Once at the restaurant you sat down ar the bar where you could see the television and get the bartenders attention easily. "How can I help you?" the bartender asked as you sat down. "Uhm can I get a water and also a cranberry vodka please" you asked nicely "Anything else?" he asked before going to fill your drink order. "Uhm.. can I get a menu also please" "Right away" he said with a smile. 

A cranberry vodka and a half later your food finally arrived, Parmesan crusted chicken breast with garlic mashed potatoes, Lentil soup with a small arugula salad dressed with olive oil. You just couldn't wait to indulge yourself, which has been a good while.  As you ate your delicious meal and paid attention to the ESPN reports on the tv in front of you you didn't think about work, family, friends, or any other drama in your life, you were happy and content with everything right now.

Once you had your fill you asked for a to go plate while paying your bill. After everything was good to go you headed out to your car to get some ice cream from your favorite shop and head on home.  After, finally getting through horrible traffic due to construction on the roads you finally made it to Marble Slab the ice cream parlor. You waited in line for you pint of birthday cake ice cream topped with strawberries which is your absolute favorite combination to eat.

That's when the unexpected thing happened. The best friend of your ex and one of your old close friends walked in it was Siva. Seeing the brown skinned and jet black hair man walk in made you feel many emotions at once; panicked, excited and calm all in one. You were panicked because you were afraid the rest of the guys  would follow behind or that he would be mad about you leaving without saying goodbye. You felt excited because you missed Siva so much. He was one of the best friends you've ever had and the most trustworthy person you knew. And calm because Siva was always a good man and never hurt anyone and you knew he would never hurt you.

"Y/N!!!!" Siva shouted excitedly grabbing everyone's attention in the store. In his excitement he engulfed you in a hug lifting you off the ground and spinning you around a little. "Hey Seev!!" how have you been?!  you said excited "I've been pretty good! just doing the same stuff hanging out with the guys before going on tour. But that's boring what about you!?" he asked "Boring too just working is all" you said kind of ashamed of your boring life. "So uhm...how are the other guys?" you asked nervous "They're doing good. After that fight Max moved in with Tom" "Are him and Jay ok?" you asked scared "They're not great but at least they're on speaking terms now" he said with a small smile on his face. "Hey let me grab my ice cream and we can sit and talk" "Sounds great i'll pick a table" you said. As he went to go and wait in line you opened your pint and starting taking little bits out of it not wanting it to melt.

"So what'd you get?" you asked as he sat down beside you "Chocolate with brownie bits" he said with the biggest smile like one you would see on an excited child. "I don't see how you can handle all that chocolate on chocolate I would need a break" you said laughing. "It takes a special kind of talent" he laughed diving into his ice cream. "So let me guess birthday cake with strawberries?" "Am I that predictable?" you asked "When it comes to your favorite foods, yes"  he said. "Really!?!" you asked shocked thinking you weren't that predictable "Absolutely" he said still eating his ice cream "I already know that if you're wanting a fancy meal Carrabas is where you're going, something cheap you're going to wendys, if you're sad you're eating soup all day and if happy you're going anywhere that has nachos hands down". You didn't know what shocked you more; that fact that he was right about every single thing or that not even Max knew you that well. "You seem shocked" he said looking at you concerned " A little bit" you said "Well if you want there this new Indian restaurant that just opened and everyone seems to love it. If you want to try something new" he invited.  "Yes that actually sounds awesome"you said excited to finally try something new. "Sounds great I'll text you later with the details" he said the both of you getting up to leave "Ok i'll be waiting" you said giving him a hug goodbye "Ok it's a date" he said. After he let that slip you pulled away from him looking up at his smiling face making you smile back and ignoring that small comment. It probably slipped or was just a joke. He probably didn't mean anything serious by it you thought.

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