Jelousy(Stephen Curry) For Anela

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You were awoken by the cries of your new born baby boy. You checked the clock and it was three am, steph should be home soon you thought to yourself as you crawled out of bed.

"Why are you keeping me up?" You questioned your son picking him up, knowing he didn't understand a word you were saying.
You felt his diaper for any wet spots but it was bone dry. You just fed him before you put him down, so you knew he wasn't hungry.
"Why are you being so fussy?" You asked in your baby voice expecting a actual answer.
"It's because he misses his daddy" you heard a deep voice say from behind you, causing you to jump in a panic. "Damnit Steph you are to big to be sneaking around like that" "Sorry Nells" he said pecking you on the lips then taking your son out of your hands.
As soon as Steph got his larger hands around your son, he stopped fussing and started to relax. You were puzzled and honestly a little jealous. You put in 40 hours pushing him out of your uterus and he'd rather be held by Steph.
You felt yourself actually starting to get angry, so you left the nursery to get a drink of water and cool off.

Soon you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and sweet kisses being placed along your jaw line and down your neck. "You ok?" He hummed out against your neck. "Yea. Of course" you answered. "Really because you seemed a little jealous to me" he teased nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. "Jealous of you?!" you said walking out of his grasp "Yes he defended "boy please" you said pushing against his chest. "Babe don't be like that. He's just a baby he doesn't know about all you went through to bring him into this world. But watch when he's able to walk and talk you won't be able to get him off your heels." "Yeah sure" you said pouting and crossing your arms over your chest. "Trust me, when I was a kid I wouldn't leave my mom alone for two seconds. And that boy is just like me, so I know" he said wrapping his arms around you and kissing your lips. "I know he's just like you i'm the one that had to push out that head" you joked kissing him.

As he led you up the stairs you thanked God for your son and husband. Steph always knew how to make you feel good. And Even though you felt like your son loved Steph a little more than you, you knew you were being silly and loved that not more than the world it's self.

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