First Hunt(Supernatural)

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Today Sam and Dean were taking you on your first hunt. You've known Sam and Dean for three years, after your roommate was possessed by a demon and they killed it and her. Since then you went on hunts with them. But they made you stay at the motel and do research for them, which to you was the most boring thing in the world. It was just reading lore written in dead languages. After years and months trying to convince them that you were ready to go on a hunt with them they gave in.

It seemed like you guys were hunting a ghost. Most of the victims died of heart attacks. What caught you guys attention was the fact that they all were mid-thirties, healthy and all worked for the same company. A witness told the papers they saw the owner of the company attacking one of the men. The owner who was dead for thirty years.

You three were on your way to question the witness, when Dean decided to quiz you about the rules for the umpteenth time. "Ok Y/N what are you to do if a ghost attacks" "really Dean!?" you sighed in frustration "Yes really. I refuse to have another person I care about die on my watch, now answer the question" he preached while driving and taking glances at you in the rear view mirror "Find the salt gun or something made of iron" you answered. That was a easy one you could've answered it in your sleep. "What to do if the ghost was cremated?" he asked "Find some genetic material that was left behind that's keeping them here and burn that" you fired back. "Ok. Good good" he said nodding his head "What if..." "Dean that's enough she obviously knows how to handle herself. She's been preparing for years" Sam interrupted.You were very thankful for the younger brother at that moment. He saved you from Dean's wrath multiple times before. "Fine. But only because we're here" he said eyeing you and Sam while pulling into the driveway of the house.

You three walked up to the front door and knocked on the door and showed your badges.

The woman who answered it looked like a crazy woman. Red rimmed eyes, hair all over the place, and her clothes looked like they've been slept in more than once.

"I'm agent Smith, this is agent Wesson and agent White, we're with the FBI and here to ask some questions about the murder you witnessed" Sam told the woman. "Since when did it take three FED'S to ask about a simple murder" she asked suspiciously while letting you three in "She's just a intern. You know showing the kid the ropes" Dean answered smirking at you.

You three asked the routine questions that's always asked. But this lady didn't wonder why you all were asking here these questions. She knew she saw a ghost she said somewhat more to herself than you three.

"Man if I didn't know any better I would think she was missing a few screws" Dean said leaving the house and getting into the Impala.

You three stopped at a burger joint before heading back to the hotel for the night. "So we'll figure out where he's buried tonight and burn him tomorrow" Sam asked "Seems cool to me" you answered falling onto one of the beds, to lazy to go to your room. "Oh no no no no" Dean said wagging his finger at you "Me plus bed equals sleep. So move, help Sam research" he nagged while you were getting up off the bed "But there's only one computer" you retorted annoyed "Well I don't know share" he mumbled closing his eyes telling you this conversation was over. "Y/N you can sleep on my bed. I'll do the research" Sam offered "Sammy are you sure?" "Yea go ahead" he assured "Thanks" you called going to sleep quickly.

The next morning you woke to the delicious aroma of coffee. You got up and fixed yourself a cup. Dean came out the bathroom in his regular clothes and green jacket. "So did Sam find where the ghost was buried?" you asked the handsome hunter "Turns out he was cremated so we'll have to search the fifteen story building today to find what's keeping him here" Dean informed you while tugging on his boots.

You left and went into your room to take a shower and get dressed. While in the shower you thought about the possible events that could happen today. Even though a ghost was pretty low on Sam and Dean's list of dangerous threats, it was your first hunt and you didn't have nearly as much experience as them. One screw up and this could be it for you, you would either be dead or Dean wouldn't allow you to go another hunt again, so you had to be on your "A" game.

After getting dressed in your janitors outfit and mentally preparing yourself for the hunt you met the two brothers at the parked Impala. "So I figured since there's three of us and fifteen floors to be searched I'll take the bottom Sam you and Y/N take the top and we'll meet in the middle" Dean ordered.

You and Sam took the elevator to the fifteenth floor and searched every room but came up empty every time. After searching tons of rooms, desk, closets, basically anywhere you could think of you two quickly became frustrated. Just as you two were about to give up the search you got a call from Dean telling you he found something.

"So get this before the building was remodeled the sixth floor was the top floor, and guess who's office was on the sixth floor, the ghostdouche we're hunting that's who" Dean told you two while walking towards the old run down office room.

You searched the desk while Sam and Dean searched the closets and bookshelves in the room. While looking for some type of remains of the deceased you suddenly saw the angry ghost appear behind Sam. Before you had time to warn him the ghost pushed his hands through his back torturing him. You pulled out your salt gun ready to fire but by time you had your gun out and ready to fire Dean already pulled the trigger on his gun sending the ghost away but only for a short while. "Y/N keep searching we'll hold him off" Dean yelled.

You frantically searched for anything that could be the reason the ghost was still here haunting people. You searched the bottom drawer and came up empty handed but noticed it sounded hollow when you hit the bottom.

You pulled the drawer out completely and broke it in half against the desk. You searched the broken remains and found a bony finger with a gold ring on it.

While wondering why someone would keep a bone in their desk drawer you pulled your lighter out your pocket. But before you could light it you felt an intense sharp pain in your back. If felt as though a ice storm was happening in your back, and it was quickly spreading from your back to your heart taking your breath away.

"Y/N!!" you heard Sam shout. Dean took the bone and lighter from your freezing hands and torched it. The storm in your body was quickly put out and so was the ghost.

On the way out the building Sam and Dean were congratulating you on your successful first hunt "Thanks guys. But I still don't get why someone would keep a bone in their drawer" "It's simple. People are crazy and don't make sense at all" Dean answered getting into his beloved car.

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