How You Meet(Bradley Beal)

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You were headed to your bestfriend's basketball game, it was L.A. Clippers vs. Washington Wizards. You were court side to support your bestfriend Deandre Jordan aka DJ.

The game was in the fourth quarter and only two minutes left. Tied at 98, Wizards ball. Suddenly Chris Paul knocked the ball out of John Wall's hand and the ball was coming bouncing your way. And of course that sent half the basketball team towards you, trying to save the ball.
At least three players came crashing into the stands, one of those players elbow connected with your nose. In the midst of the noise you didn't hear the bone in your nose crack but you definitely felt it.
You suddenly felt warm liquid running from your nose. You saw blood all over the court coming from your nose.
It was so much blood they had to stop the game to get it cleaned up.

One of the court escorts took you into the training room to have one of the team doctors look at your nose.
"Well it is definitely broken and will need stitches. You can either let me do the stitches or we'll have someone take you to the emergency room to have it stitched up" "It hurts bad as hell so please just do it here" "ok. If you say so".
The man started on your stitches and it felt like someone was using your nose as a pin cushion. You were on the verge of tears.
Thankfully he got finished with your 20 something stitches and had to put a metal brase on it that made you look like a mechanical duck.
He then left to get you some ice and to write a prescription for the strongest pain medication he was allowed to prescribe.

You heard someone come through the door and automatically assumed it was DJ coming to see how you were doing but to your surprise it was Bradley Beal. "Hi...uhm I just wanted to come in and apologize for breaking your nose" he said playing with his hands barely making eyes contact, probably because he would get sick from the amount of blood on your shirt. "Uhhh thanks I guess" you said in a somewhat nasally voice "Did you at least win?" You asked not wanting your broken nose to go down in vain. "Yeah I guess your broken nose wasn't all bad" he said lightly chuckling. Which caused you to chuckle also making you whimper in pain. "Omg I'm sorry, don't laugh, don't laugh" he panicked rushing to your side, rubbing your arms up and down trying to console you.
His adorable panics made you smile and laugh even more causing your nose to thump in pain. The pain in your nose was so bad it caused the tears you were holding to finally spill. "Please stop crying, I'm so sorry I broke your nose" he pleaded with you. He was so upset you were starting to feel guilty for the guy and tried your hardest to stop crying.
Soon the trainer came back with a cup of water and some pain killers he kept in his office. You eagerly took the medicine and gulped it down with the water.
Seconds later you started to feel a buzz come over your body. You started to get giddy and could barely concentrate on one thought in your head. This was some strong medicine.

Your bestfriend DJ raced through your head quickly and you somehow knew you had to find him and get him to take you home.
You got off the table barely able to stand straight let alone walk. Bradley must have seen you struggling because he wrapped his arms around your waist to steady you "Where you headed little lady?" He questioned mocking the height difference between the two of you. "DJ...Car...Home" you managed to mumble out in your unstable state "alright let's go find him" he chuckled walking you out the room.
The whole time you were looking for DJ he never removed his hands from your waist.
"Y/N! There you are" you heard DJ call out from behind you two. "I got it from here thanks Brad" DJ said walking you away from the sexy ball player, but not before he took your phone and typed something in it.

The next morning you woke up dazed and a killer pain in your nose. 'Did that actually happen' you questioned recalling your memories from the previous night.
You got up and looked in the mirror and still had that disastrous thing on your nose. 'So yea that happened. But did everything else happen too' you wondered.
You hurriedly grabbed your phone off your night stand and looked through it. No new contacts, no phone calls, no text messages, nothing. You immediately became upset figuring everything that happened was just a delusion.
Then your phone rang in your hands 'could this be him?' You asked yourself getting excited "Is this Y/N from the basketball game?" "Yes?" "Oh good" they answered letting out a sigh of relief "This is Bradley... the dick who accidentally broke your nose. I was just calling to see how you were doing" you were stoked that you didn't imagine everything and he was actually calling you. did he get my number? But then it hit you he called himself off of your phone so he would have your number. "Uhh...hello?" He called out "oh yea I'm still here. And my nose is ok." You answered.

You two stayed on the phone for about two more hours just talking about everything and anything.
You two arranged to meet for dinner the next day.
Which started your beautiful relationship. Going on three years strong next week.

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