Love&Basketball (Warning this story is about two Girls)

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"Babe you coming to my game tonight right?" I asked my boyfriend over the phone. "Yea I'll be there, don't worry. Gotta go bye" he rushed off the phone.

Tonight is one of the biggest nights of my life. My basketball team is playing in the regional championship to see if we go to the state level and after state is nationals.

As we sat in the locker room waiting for the announcer to call us out of our locker room our coach gave us some words of wisdom. "So I know that this is a big game and we all want to go to the state level but there is absolutely no pressure. I just want you guys... well girls to go out and just play your game. The same things that got us here is going to be the same to help us win this game. Now suit up its almost time to get out there".

As we walked out into the gym full of cheer. I scanned the audience for Brad my boyfriend but didn't see him or my parents in sight. But I just pushed it out of my mind and just focused on the task ahead.

When I walked out on the court I met eyes with April. She is my task for tonight. She's ranked number three in the whole country. She's quick on her feet, a fast thinker, amazing ball handler and has eyes like a hawk. I've been studying her for weeks and still pretty unsure about tonight.
But one thing I noticed when I looked at her was her facial expression. She didn't seem angry or excited. Her face just seemed soft like she was more upset than anything. Her eyes met mine across court, I just couldn't pull my gaze away from her for the life of me. A look from her felt like a oxygen.

**First Quarter**
"How's the weather up there sticks?" She joked dribbling the ball through her legs "Haha a joke about my height. Haven't heard that before" I replied getting in my defensive stance. As soon as the whistle blew she blew right past me in a blur making a lay up and giving me a smug look walking back up the court. 'Ok if that's how you want to play then we'll play' I thought to myself.
I walked up the court slowly, setting the court. She stood in front of me following my every step. She might've been quick on her feet but I'm quick with my hands. I did a quick fake to the left faking her out a pulled up for the jumper nailing the three "How you like that short stack?" I mocked back peddling up the court.
It went on like that for most of the game. Us going back and forth at each other. If she scored then I went back and scored. If I made a great assist she had to make a even better assist. I'm usually never a ball hog but she just brought it out of me.

**Fourth Quarter**
The score was tied it was 98 to 98 with only 40 seconds to go. April's team had the ball. She was bringing it up the court slowly trying to figure out the best play. She dribbled the ball between her legs running down the time of the clock. I had my eyes glued on her hips, so I could tell which direction she was going. She took off running towards my left heading for the basket. We were side by side and she pushed into me making her shot, sending her team up by two.
We got the ball with less than 20 seconds on the clock. As I was walking up the court I had a decision to make. Either shoot the three to win the game or pass the ball off to another teammate. The clock was running down with less than ten seconds. None of my teammates were open, and I've hit 15 out of my 20 shots. So I let the shot run down to five seconds and pulled up for the 3-point jumper.
The ball bounced around the rim for what seemed like hours. The ball finally fell off the rim bouncing to the ground.

The other team won by two points.

After the game I sat outside waiting for my parents or my boyfriend to show but no one came. "Grace you sure you don't need a ride?" Lexi asked while Crystal kissed her neck lightly. "Uhm...yea I'll skip out on the make out session but thanks" "No problem and don't beat yourself up to much about this lost, you did your thing out there. Ok?" "Ok"
About two minutes after Crystal and Lexie left I started to regret not taking them up on their offer for a ride home.

"Uhh...hey" April said clearing her throat and sitting on the steps next to me. "Uhm hi" I said making room for her to sit down. "Man that was a great game you played today" "Yea..thanks" "No seriously I never played against anyone like you. Most people just stay on the defense waiting for me to come at them. But you, you came after me and you challenged me" "You know what. Now that I think about it I never played against someone like that. I usually just get my assist and score as we need it" I said turning my head to face her. That's when I noticed how beautiful she was. Her eyes were soft brown, she had a perfectly sized nose, small plump lips that hid her perfect white teeth. Her mohawk was made up of tiny curls, and her stud ear rings just made all of her features more recognizable.

"Wh...what? You've been staring at me for almost a minute now" she said chuckling "oh sorry. I just zoned out for a second. Why are you still here?" I asked "I saw you sitting here alone and wanted to see if you had a ride actually" "Thanks. But my ride should be coming soon" I said. It just wouldn't feel right getting a ride from the enemy.
"Come on I know you're lying. Don't worry I won't bite you" she said nudging my arm. "Alright fine. But warning I bite" I said nudging her arm back mentally slapping myself for saying that. "Alright let's go".

Instead of going home she took me out to Applebee's for a late night dinner. We ended up being the last two in the restaurant. Talking about everything from finals to our favorite type of desserts.
It's been months since I've been able to talk to someone like this. Not even my own boyfriend listens to me and makes me laugh like her. I think I might be catching feelings for her.
"See you doing it again" she said pulling me out of my thoughts "What are you talking about?" "You zoned out again. What are you thinking about so much? " "Nothing really...are you ready?" "Yea".

Once we got home I saw Brad waiting for me on my stoop. "You know this guy?" She asked getting out of the car "Yea he's my ass of a boyfriend. You can leave if you want" I said getting out the car "I'll wait". "Brad what do you want?" I asked "Where were you at I went to pick you up" he replied angrily "Where was I? I waited on you! Where were you huh? You weren't even at the game" "I got better shit to do then watch girls basketball" he said enraging me. Once he said that all I saw was red. He knows how much I love basketball and for him to go and say that was just low and dirty. "Moutherfucker you know you don't have anything better to do with your life but to sit around on your ass" I yelled losing my temper with him. "You know what fuck you and this relationship shit I'm done!" He yelled driving away. "Ugh I can't believe that nigga I gave him everything and he treats me like this. Fuck him!" I yelled into the night sky. "Aye Grace chill. He's not even worth it" April said trying to console me and calm down. "He's not I don't even know what I saw in his arrogant ass" I said close to tears.
Suddenly April put her chin under my chin and pulled my face down to her and kissed me. Her lips were so soft and tender, her kiss felt like something I've never experienced before "You need to chill the fuck out" she said pulling away smiling. "Ok" I breathed out still in shock. "You good?" She asked "ok" I said again. She just chuckled and kissed me again even better than the first time.

That was the first time I ever thought about being with a girl and even kissing one. Being with her was the best decision I've ever made. We've been together for two and a half years every since.

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