Sam Winchester (Jealousy)

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Tonight was just one of those lonely nights where Dean and your boyfriend of 2 and a half years, Sam were out on a hunt. Usually you would go with them, but since you were injured on the last hunt Sam forbade you from coming with them tonight. Even though Cas already healed you from head to toe and it was a simple demon hunt. But Sam was not having it, not today.  

While waiting for the boys to get back home safely you did everything you could to keep yourself busy. You washed all of the clothes in the bunker including Dean's dirty old underwear. You cleaned up the dungeon making it spotless for the next guess.  You then cooked dinner for them for when they return home. You even started to read that book Sam has been bugging you to read. Although as soon as you made it to chapter three you were close to death by boredom. 

That's when it hit you! Why not call well summon your best friend Balthazar to come and save you.  You grabbed everything you knew he loved and went down to the dungeon where everything else you needed to summon him was. After putting everything together the last thing needed was a drop of blood, so you slightly cut your hand open. You squeezed it tightly so blood could drip into the bowl making the spell complete. 

"Hello Love" you heard your best friend call out in his charming voice behind you. "Balt!!" you shouted out as you ran to give him a hug. The last time you saw your angelic friend he was gone into hiding from some very angry archangels. "So what do I owe this lovely call to?" he asked as you two pulled away. "Well Sam and Dean have me locked up in here and I need something to do before I die" "You called the right guy for the job" he said charmingly as he kissed your hand, making your cut disappear. 

Next thing you knew you two were sitting down in a cute little Italian restaurant. "Balt where are we?" you asked looking around the restaurant you've never been in let alone seen. " Well I know you love Italian food and that you're always hungry..." "I'm not always hungry!" you interrupted offended. "Anyways!" he said rolling his eyes "I thought what better place to get real Italian food than from the source!" . Once he said that your eyes got huge and your mouth dropped open. "You did not bring me all the way to Italy!?!?!" "Of course! Only the best for you!" he said handing you a glass of white wine. 

After your amazing dinner you two went shopping in some of the biggest most famous stores on earth. Balthazar even took you to the actual Versace store in Italy trying buy you a $3,000 black dress, but you just couldn't let him.  

**Sam's POV** 

"We're home!" I shouted out as we walked in the bunker.  I heard no response so I just figured maybe she was in the bathroom or asleep as usual. "Awesome!!" Dean shouted from the kitchen "whats up?"  I asked walking through to get to my room. "Y/N cooked dinner! Meatloaf, Mac and Cheese, and corn." "Sounds good but maybe you should change out of your bloody clothes first, huh?" I said with a chuckle seeing Deans face drop. "Fine!" he mumbled walking to his room to change and shower hopefully.  I walked to our room and she wasn't there or in the bathroom, nor in library, dungeon, or anywhere in the bunker. "Dean!" I yelled out "Yea?" he responded muffled probably with a face full of food. "Y/N isn't here" "Did you try her cell?" he asked. I don't know why I didn't try that first. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. "The number you reached is no longer in service" She just paid her phone bill so I know this can't be right. I called her phone again another three times and the same automated voice came up. 

I rushed to the kitchen where Dean still was stuffing his face. "Dean shes not here and her phone keeps saying it's out of service. Something isn't right. She wouldn't just leave without saying anything." "Sam calm down there has to be a reasonable explanation. Only a few people know about this place and none of them would hurt her. " He said which actually did calm me down. "Ok I'll call Cas" I said pulling out my phone. "Hello Sam" Cas answered on the first ring "Hey Cas have you heard or seen Y/N?" I asked "No Sam I haven't but, I'll let you know if I do hear anyhting" "ok thanks Cas" I said hanging up. "No word?" Dean asked his mouth full. I just shook my head no. 

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