Thug love. (YG)

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"Babe please don't go!!" You begged your fiancé waddling downs the stairs with your 8 months pregnant belly. "Lexis don't worry I'll be back it's just a quick hit and run" you fiancée claimed kissing your lips before him and his boys left.
Little did you know that was going to be the last time you would see him. He was shot down by the cops, who saw him leaving the crime scene.

The day of your son's birth you swore you would never date someone in the drug business again.
**3 years later**
"Jaylen Ryder Smith!!" You screamed out to your three year old son. "Yes mommy?" He quietly asked peeking his head in the room. "What did I tell you about leaving your toys around the house?" "That it's dangerous?" He squeaked out "So pick them up" "Yes ma'am" "Nikki is here to babysit you ok" "ok momma love you" "love you too" you answered kissing your son on the head then leaving to go to work.

You arrived to your law firm and your waiting room was filled with people who were there to see you. 'Today was going to be a long day' you thought to yourself. "Keenon Jackson" you called out to the people. A tall man covered in tattoos from head to toe, with baggy pants, a black polo shirt with a purple horse answered . His lips were so plump you could just picture yourself biting them and his brown eyes were absolutely beautiful considering all the shit he's seen.
You lead him into your office letting him take a seat. "What can I help you with?" You asked in your professional voice "I need a defense lawyer for one of my friends pronto and I hear you're the best" he said putting his feet on your desk and leaning back in the chair. "First of all" you started off pushing his feet off your desk "don't put your dirty feet on my desk it cost more than you can count. Secondly if your friend needs a lawyer he needs to come in and not his errand boy." "Listen here you snobby bitch" he growled getting out of his chair and walking around your desk towering over you. "I need a defense lawyer. So you're going to help me and I'm going to pay YOU more than you can count. Got it" he said angrily. The way he got angry had you breathlessly scared but also a little wet.
He was still standing over you angrily. But his face softened a little, and he licked his lips. He then closed the space between you two and kissed you hungrily. Slipping his tongue into your mouth taking control. You then felt his hand moving up your thigh underneath your skirt, making you moan into his mouth. The temptation was to much for you to handle. You wanted him so bad but you remembered your promise and your son. You pulled away and he gave you a confused look. "This is strictly business" you warned fixing your clothes and catching your breathe. He just nodded his head in agreement taking his seat.

Over the next few days you and Keenon aka YG work together on his case. A few times he's flirted with you but once he saw you weren't having none of that he gave up, and kept it strictly business. He wasn't what you expected him to be. Instead of a idiotic horny little boy, he was a mature educated man. And that was the sexiest thing in a man to you.

On the last day of work between you too, you got a phone call. It was from your babysitter Nikki calling to tell you that her and Jaylen were in a car accident and he was in critical condition.
Once you heard that everything in the world just stopped including your heart. "Lexus?" Someone called out "LEXUS!" "Hmm" "what's wrong?" "Oh-uhm... Hospital...go" you said packing your things in a rush. "Come on I'll take you" he said grabbing your bag in one hand and your hand in his other one. He drove you to the hospital in record time.

Once you got there you went straight for the pediatric ward. You saw Nikki pacing back and forth in front of a room. Ignoring her pleas and explanations you went straight into your sons room. He was hooked up to every machine you could think of, and was in a peaceful sleep.
The doctor soon came on to explain how he broke his leg and had some internal bleeding but should be ok in a few days. Upon hearing that you finally got your mind right and were able to think straight.

You headed into the hallway to fire Nikki but not before thanking Keenon.
"Thank you so much for driving me here!" You exclaimed actually relived. "It was no problem" he said shrugging his shoulders and walking away. But you grabbed his hand pulling him towards you and kissed him finally bitting his plump sexy lips. "Are we still just strictly business?" He asked pulling away breathlessly "no. Nothing but pleasure"

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