Rough nights and soft hands(Sam Winchester)

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When Sam and Dean arrived back home to you all tired out and worn from their previous hunt you three always do the same routine. Hugs and a few kisses are given showing your relief to have them back safe and sound. While you cooked them a nice warm meal they sat down turned the tv on and tried to enjoy the regular world like normal people. And after dinner you and Sam would retreat to your shared bedroom and crawl in bed together enjoying each other's warmth.

Some nights his big rough hands would run up and down your body. You could feel the cuts, scrapes, the healing blisters on his hands. But you also could feel the blood that was shed on his hands and the residue from his gun.

On the nights where you could feel his pain through his touch you would wiggle out of his strong arms and walk into the bathroom grabbing your best smelling lotion and bringing it back to your bed.

From the grin on his face you knew this was just what he needed. You climbed back in bed sitting indian style and poured a small bit of lotion in your hands. You grabbed his hand and started rubbing the lotion all over his hand. In between each finger, on his wrists and especially on his healing cuts.

You did this to both of his hands massaging them and making sure you got the lotion all over his hands.

You knew he liked it when you did this because it felt like you were rubbing the guilt, worry and sadness from his conscience. And also because he secretly likes the way your lotion smells.

Once you were finished rubbing the lotion over his hand you put the lotion away and crawled back into Sam's loving arms. This time when he ran his hands up and down your body even though you could still feel the bump and bruises, they were soft and guilt free. The way you liked them.

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