Sweet nothings (Tristan Wildes)

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Today was just one of those lazy Sunday mornings where you nor Tristan wanted to get out of bed. You two just laid in bed cuddled. Your head on his bare chest and his arms snakes around your waist like always.

The thing you loved about these mornings was how you and Tristan just talked. You could go from talking about getting married and having children and the next second trying to figure out why red velvet cake is your absolute weakness.

"Y/N" he hummed out still half asleep "yeah?" you answered in the same tired tone "let's start a band" he said giving a light chuckle "Really. you want to start a band?" "yeah! I can rap, you can sing and if we get some little ones around here they can be the musicians" "Its gonna take a while before those little ones would even be able to play any instrument" you retorted tracing patterns on his stomach. "Well I guess I can wait for that, but I just can't wait to marry you and have little me and you's running around this house. It's to quite" "Well babe if that's how you feel then maybe we should do something about it" you yawned out "What about this?" he asked handing you a small blue box. You opened it pulled out a beautiful three carat ring. "Will you marry me and let me love you and cherish you for the rest of our lives?" he asked sitting up and looking you dead in the eye. "Yes...of course" you cried out happily as he placed the ring perfectly on your finger.

"Now let's get started on this band" he said tackling you with kisses making you laugh.

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