My Hero(Marcus Mariota) For Vanessa

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"We're going out tonight. Look good and don't embarrass me" your boyfriend said walking past you up the stairs to your apartment.
You quickly got in the shower and wore a black and white mini dress that hugged you perfectly. You put on some make up to cover up some of the healing scars on your face. "Nessa hurry your ass up!!" Bryan your boyfriend yelled from downstairs. You grabbed your things and rushes downstairs not wanting to make him wait.

You two arrived at the club around ten. You went straight to the V.I.P section since Bryan is a NFL player.
As Bryan went out dancing in the sea of women you stayed in the V.I.P sipping on a coke so you could drive home.

"Nessa?...Vanessa from Oregon" you heard someone call out to you. You saw a very handsome guy walking up to you smiling. He seemed to know you but you didn't recognize this guy at all. You think you would remember such a good looking guy.
"You don't remember me do you?" He said pulling you out of your thoughts "No I'm sorry" you said "Ok just picture me way shorter, huge glasses, braces, and wild unmanageable hair. And in your junior math class". Then it hit you who he was "Marcus?!!?" He just nodded his head "Oh my goodness you changed so much!!" You exclaimed giving him a hug.
For the rest of the night you two just talked, catching up on the years and everything else in the world.

While you two were talking you heard a loud commotion come from the dance floor and saw Bryan right in the middle of it.
Seconds later security broke everything up and threw Bryan out the club. "Not again" you mumbled under your breath "what was that?" Marcus asked "I got to go check on my boyfriend. It was nice seeing you again" you said taking off for him.

"Bryan are you ok?" You asked your boyfriend who was sitting outside on the curb"What the hell do you think? Let's just get out of here" he yelled pulling you by the arm towards the car.
"Woah, Woah, woah" Marcus yelled pulling his hands off of you. "What's going on here?" He asked "Nothing here pertaining to you little boy. Ok" "If you're putting your hands on Vanessa then it is pertaining to me" Marcus said pulling you behind him. "Guys Wait..."you said getting between them not wanting them to fight. "Move!! And let me handle this" Bryan said pushing you to the ground. Suddenly Marcus punched Bryan in the jaw making him stumble backwards. "You stupid little boy" Bryan mumbled tackling Marcus to the ground. As they rolled around on the ground throwing punches back and forth, you ran into the club grabbing a few security guards to break up the fight.
"Now get outta here before I call the cops" one of the security guards threatened pulling them apart. "Come back on nessa we're going" Bryan said dragging you behind him. That's when you snatched your hand from him, finally standing up to him for the first time since yall have been together. "What are you doing?" "Bryan you put your hands on me for the last time." "You're kidding me right? I mean where the hell are you going to go. Your half across the country from your family and you're broke. So stop being fucking stupid and come on" Bryan said "She can come with me" Marcus said taking your hand. "Fine take her I'm done with her loose pussy anyways. Good for nothing bitch" Bryan said spitting blood near your feet. "Don't worry about him you can stay with me as long as you want" Marcus said looking down at you. "Thanks" you said on the verge of tears. What Bryan said was true you don't have any money and so far from your family. What on earth were you going to do? "Hey, hey don't cry everything is gonna be fine. Ok" Marcus said kissing away your tears. Then he started peppering your face with little kisses making you laugh. "Ok, ok Marcus I got it" you said inbetween laughs. "Good! I'm hungry. Want some Waffle House?"

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