Baby, Baby, Baby (Kevin Durant) For Aaniyah

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"Mommy when do my brudah or sis get here?" your four year old son asked rubbing his little hands over your tummy. "in about 4 four months" you replied "wanna take a picture of me and you to show him or her when they get here?" you asked struggling to get up off the couch "yea yea yea!!" he screamed jumping off the couch and grabbing your phone off the counter. One things for sure he definitely has his daddies height, at only four he can easily reach the counters and most of the selves in the pantry and fridge.

You looked at the picture you two took and noticed Kevin standing in the back round making a funny face. "daddy!!" your son screamed running into his arms so Kevin could pick him up. "Everytime I come home it seems like you've grown another three feet" he said to your son putting him down. " Hey Y/S/N can you let me talk to your dad for sec?" "yes ma'am" he said running upstairs .

"You're late Kevin" you said bluntly "what now Aaniyah" he said sighing and taking a seat at the kitchen table. "The team arrived back two days ago Kevin. So where were you for these past two days" "I stayed with Serge" he said lying right to your face "how dumb do you think I am?" "You don't want me to answer that" he said smiling to himself "THE FUCKING NERVE OF YOU!" you screamed but lowered your voice remembering your son was still in the house "You going to go and stay out with that hoe for two days and then waltz back in here without your ring on like nothing happened!" "nothing did happen you're just assuming the worst as usual" he said his voice calm "Ugh you know what fuck you!" "Fuck you too bitch" he yelled getting up "Fuck you and Fuck your---" that's when a excruciating pain hit you in the pit of your stomach. The pain was so bad you feel to your knees holding your stomach "babe?" Kevin said concerned rushing to your side "whats wrong?! You ok?! Who should I call?" "911" you moaned out clutching his arm in pain. he pulled out his cell phone dialed 911 and told them the situation and your address. " they'll be here in a few minutes just hold on babe" he said kneeling by your side.

**In the Hospital**

"So we are very lucky today. Your scare here wasn't anything serious, it was just the baby kicking and squirming a lot due to stress. we just need you to keep calm and no stress ok?" "yea doc. thanks for the help" Kevin replied when you didn't respond to the doctor. After the doctor left the room Kevin pulled up a chair beside your bed. "No stress. So that means I'll be on my very best behavior me and mini me. Coming home on time every night and no extra circular activities either" he said smiling. "No strange phone calls. Right?!" you asked "Right " he answered standing up and kissing you. As soon as he pulled away from you his phone rang and you gave him the 'Are You Serious' look. He looked at the caller ID and paused for a second and looked at you. "Hello?" he answered "I told you not to call this phone I have no business with you" he said a little angry making you confused. "Who is it?" you mouthed and he just turned his back on you "Don't try to put that on me" he said angrier and hanging up. "Who was it?" you asked feeling your blood pressure rise by the second. "We said no stress so I can't tell you" he said trying to escape this. "You not telling me is causing me with more stress so tell me" you said through gritted teeth. "It was a former side chick" he said with a sigh "and??" "she's pregnant...but I swear its not mine" he said rushing to your side to grab your hand which you snatched away quickly "Same shit just a different day" you said shaking your head "Aaniyah I swear its not mine what I got to do to make it clear" "Right now it doesn't feel there is anything you can do" you said close to tears. Once I start to see the light another cloud comes to darken my day. I can't believe this negro got another bitch pregnant possibly. I shouldn't even have to question if he got another chick pregnant. I feel disrespected, unloved, stupid. lf I wasn't in this hospital I would've went through a Left Eye moment and burned all this shit, but lucky for him I'm stuck in this damn hospital.

"MARRY ME!" Kevin shouted out from nowhere "What?!" you asked shocked "Marry me. If I have to show you how serious I mean about us then the best way is to get married" he said with a smile and so much hope in his eyes you almost wanted to say yes. "Kevin are you serious ?'' "yea!" he said excited "if you may have not forgotten the reason I'm in this hospital is because we just got into a fight and you might be a father to another woman's child. plus we haven't been in a great place for the last five months. And you think us getting married is the best solution to that?" you said to him "Well..." he said looking a little defeated "Kevin I love with all my heart seriously. But when I get married I want to get married because we're ready not because we're fighting and marriage is our last hope." "well what now?" he asked reminding you of a lost puppy. "Maybe we should take some time apart. I go this way you go that way, we stay in touch for our children. But I just can't move on until I know for sure that baby isn't yours, you done running around with random hoes, and you're serious about us. You see where I'm coming from?" you said hoping he agreed with you. "As always you're the brains of this operation." he said chuckling " but yea that seems that a good plan. but until you leave this hospital and are safe at home I'm not leaving your side" he said smiling and kissing your cheek.

**1 Year Later**

"Mama" your one year old said as you fed him making you smile with joy. This was his first time speaking to where you could hear him. "Babe you won't believe it" you said calling your current boyfriend "what's up?" "he said mama!" you yelled excited "I'll be there in five seconds to hear it with my own ears" he said excited "Hey Mama!!" you heard your now five year old yell through the phone "Hey muchkin" you yelled back.

And of course five minutes later your two babies came walking in. "Mommy me and daddy got matching shoes look" your munchkin yelled running in the kitchen. "That's nice baby. But I told you to clean your room before you left. And to my surprise it's just as junky" "but mooooom" "gooo" you said pointing upstairs. "Fine" he said marching up the stairs.
"A little harsh don't you think babe" Kevin said hugging you and kissing you. "He gotta learn somewhere" you said wrapping your arms around his neck "well" he said stepping from you "I've learned my lesson. Will you marry me" he said getting on his knee and pulling out a HUGE ring. "This time I want to marry you because I'm ready and because I love you. Not to try and clean up my mess" "YES!!" You squealed jumping up and down.

And one year later you married the man of your dreams. Never regretting a thing and never looking back.

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