Hold You Down(Ty Dolla $ign)

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"Ty where are you taking me?" You asked your fiancé who had you blind folded and leading you somewhere unknown. "Babe just be patient we're almost there" "Good because I can't take running into anymore doors and walls" "Sorry bout that babe" he said kissing your forehead.
After a little more walking you heard your heels clicking against hardwood floors. The curiosity was getting to you and you wanted to take this blind fold off as quick as possible. "Ok we're here" he said taking your blind fold off.
You were standing in a huge unfurnished house. "Ty what's going on?" You questioned suspiciously "Y/N we finally made it big. We made it to where we can have all we want and more. I wouldn't be here without you holding me down all those long hard nights. You remember when I would take you house hunting and let you point out which houses you wanted even though we both knew we couldn't afford them?" "Yea" you whispered close to tears "Well this is your house. The house you've been waiting for all these years" By now you were crying and squeezing the life out Ty.

It seemed like just yesterday you were squeezed in that tiny house struggling to keep the lights on.
You just got a phone call from Ty telling you that the cops were on their way to the house and that you don't have to let them in.
About ten minutes later there was rapid banging on your front door and it was the police looking inpatient. "Can I help you" you asked the cops through your screen door "We're here for Tyrone Griffin" the cop said trying to look in your house as much as possible. "He's not here right now. Is that all, I'm a little busy" "Actually can we come in?" "Do you have a warrant?" The cops just shook their heads no "Well come back when you do".
Later that day Ty came home asking what all happened and you walked him through the whole ordeal.
The next thing you knew the cops came rushing in and arrested both you and Ty, putting you in separate patrol cars.
At the cop station you and Ty were put in different interrogation rooms. After hours of being asked the same questions over and over again the cops were starting to get frustrated with you and your loyalty. "Just tell us where your scum boyfriend got the drugs from and we won't charge you with being a accessory" truthfully that got you scared you've never been to jail and you weren't the jail type, but you were loyalty to Ty and his companions.
You never talked and were taken in for a mugshot and given your jumpsuit and put in a cell.
Everyday for three days the cop who questioned you would come to your cell to try and get you to talk but you never cracked. Thankfully after three brutal days you were bailed out by Wiz one of Ty's closest friends.
Ty was stuck in that hell hole for a year before he was bailed out. "The guy he worked for said it was a consequence for getting caught but a reward also for not snitching.
**End of Flashback**
Now you couldn't believe Ty was running his own drug cartel. Of course you were scared for his life and yours and of course any future children you two would have.
He has considered leaving that life behind and just running his multiple businesses. But you're not holding your breath for that to happen. You were fine with your life just how it was and thankful for your amazing fiancé.

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