Silence(Tom Parker)

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Your house was quite. Saying you could hear a pin drop was a understatement. This silence was the complete opposite of what your house was a few seconds ago. It was filled with angry words, smashing of glass and pounding of walls and furniture.

Your fiancé Tom had just saw you at the coffee shop with your ex. You tried to explain how it was a platonic meet up but he wasn't having any of that.

Therefore created your biggest fight ever.

In the midst of the fight you threw his clothes out the upstairs window and onto the street. He pushed you around a little and against the wall yelling in your face.

It's safe to say you both had physical and emotional scars. You from being pushed to hard against walls, falling over furniture. Your emotional scars from being told you would never be as good as his last, that he could never love someone as ugly as you.

His scars from having plates and glasses thrown at him leaving shreds of glass in his body. His emotional scars from being call unbelievably stupid, unfit for marriage, and never amounting to anything.

After all was said he suggested to call off the wedding if that was how you two actually felt towards each other.

This wasn't what either of you wanted. You just said those things to push his buttons not to push him away or hurt him at all. You wanted to tell him you were sorry but not if he truly meant what he said.

Little did you know he wanted to apologize to you. He still wanted to marry you, the girl of his dreams. But he didn't want to keep you here if you truly didn't want to stay.

You two holding your tongues is what created this unbearable silence between you two.

You both opened and closed your mouths trying to find something to say to keep the other from leaving. But you two just couldn't find the words that would soothe the wounds created.

After a few minutes of deadly silence you were going crazy and decided something needed to be done.

You got out of your seat and sat on the sofa beside him looking in his chocolate brown eyes and kissed him with all your force and passion.

In that one kiss you told him that you were sorry for everything you said and threw to him. You planned on staying by his side til the day you died.

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