He Cheats (Max George)

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Today while at work you were feeling sick. You threw up in the bathroom twice already and you've only been there for a hour and a half. So your boss sent you home for the day.

You knew that Max would be home today because he was on break from tour. So you took a stop by the store and grabbed his favorite dinner to cook.
You pulled up to the house and recognized a unfamiliar car in the driveway. But you just figured it was one of Max's friends visiting.
You grabbed the groceries out of the car and made your way into the house.

The first thing you saw when you walked into your house was a Max having sex with another woman right on your own couch. "Max!!??!" You shouted dropping the groceries onto the floor. "Y/N!!?!" Max yelled in shock jumping from on top of the woman. "Who the fuck is she!?" "No one important babe" he said walking towards you "No one important? You said you loved me not this boring bitch!" the other woman yelled. "Bitch you're in my house fucking my man you have no right to talk. So put your clothes on get out of my house before I escort you out" you said walking towards her "I wish you would" she said walking towards you. "Woah woah! That's enough! It's time for you to leave" he said pushing inbetween the two of you. "Yea you're absolutely right Max. So why don't you leave with her!" You yelled pushing him out the door with only his boxers on. Let the paparazzi see him now.
You couldn't believe him. After all you two have been through he goes and cheats on you with some random hoe. And he talked about you to her. The nerve of them!
But then again now that you look back on it you shouldn't be that surprised.
For the past couple of months you and Max haven't been on the same page you usually are. The only time you would talk is to say good morning, good night and to argue. You just couldn't understand where you guys went wrong. There was one point in time you were inseparable. You two could speak a hidden a langue just with your eyes.
But now he's cheating on you with random women. You're not even sure if this was the first time he's cheated. But you know for damn sure it will be the last.

**1 month later**
Every since Max and his friends came to get his things you haven't been able to sleep through the night. Yea it was me who kicked him out but it was he who was wrong for cheating.

As you were cooking breakfast you heard a knock at your door. You went to open it and it was Tom and Jay, Max's two best friends. "Hey guys what's up?" "It's Max he's sick and won't listen to anyone you've got to come with us!" "Guys I don't-" "please Y/N he needs you. He's been laid up on my couch for almost two months" Jay pleaded with you. "Just get him off" you said simply "We tried that of course but he just keeps going back. He puts on a good show for the cameras but after that he's a righteous wreck so we need you to talk some sense into him" "Fine but i'm not staying no longer than five minutes" "deal" they both said.

You quickly took a shower and got dressed and left with them in Tom's car. "So Y/N how have you been so far?" Jay asked killing the awkward silence. "Pretty sure all this bullshit has given me insomnia" You said not really in the mood for any of this. After you're statement the rest of the car ride was quiet except for the light music Tom had playing over the radio.

A few minutes of silence later you three finally arrived at Jay's house. "Are you ready for this?" Jay asked his 6'3 frame hovering over you with his concerned blue eyes. "No but do I have a choice?" you asked huffing out a sigh. As you walked up to the house you could feel your heart beat rising more and more the closer you all got to the door.

Jay unlocked the door and walked in and Tom behind you. When you walked in you saw Siva standing in front of the tv looking tired. When you walked in Seev turned his attention from the tv and smiled a huge smile when he saw you familiar face. "Hey Seev" you said quietly hoping Max wouldn't hear you just yet. "Oh my God...Y/N!" Seev shouted coming up to you to give you a hug that took your breathe away. When you would hangout with the band you would always hangout with seev. You both loved baking, and the same tv shows. He was like your best friend! You knew it hurt him when you stopped talking to him after yours and Max's break up. "Other than all of this how are you?!" he asked excitedly "I'm alive!" "Y/N?" Nathan said shocked "Hey Nath!" you said squeezing pass seev to hug nath. Nathan was like your little brother in a way. He annoyed you at times but you couldn't help but love him. And you always looked out for his best interest especially when it came to all the girls trying throw themselves at him. "Hey!" hey said happily giving me a hug.

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