Work For It (Deandre Jordan) For Chrissy

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Today was supposed to be a good day. Your boyfriend Deandre or DJ as you would call him was coming home today from being on the road for almost a month thanks to the playoffs. But somewhere deep in your bones you felt as if something despicable was going to happen. But you ignored it cause it's supposed to be a good day, even if you have to force it to be.
You decided that on your way off from work you would surprise DJ and run by the arena to pick him up and afterwards treat him to dinner and a sexy relaxing bath,, and anything else he wanted.

"Girl go get yo man I got this" your coworker/best friend said locking up the boutique you two co-owned. "You sure you'll be ok?" you asked not wanting her to be here all alone. "Yes besides bae supposed to stop by anyways" she said getting a big goofy grin on her face. "Ok I'll see you Monday. But call if you need anything" you said putting the emphasis on anything. "I know, I know, know" she said practically pushing you out the door. You hopped in your Ranger Rover and sped off on your way to the arena.

Once you arrived you noticed a lot of people were there to congratulate the team on their playoff run. The bus should be arriving any second now so you joined the sea of people hoping to blend in so you could surprise DJ.

After waiting a exhausting 15 minutes the buses started to pull into the arena making the crowd roar back with life. The first person you saw coming out of the bus was Doc Rivers the head coach. After him followed a few other coaches that the crowd clapped for. But as soon as Chris Paul stepped of the bus the crowd went crazy. Screaming, clapping and holding up banners for each and every player that walked off. When you saw DJ walk off the bus you made sure to scream as loud as possible.

Once all the players, coaches, cheerleaders, and other team staff got off the buses they all gathered on a stage where Doc, Chris Paul and Blake Griffin, said thank you for all of the support that fans gave. It was a touching speech.

After the speech the team went into the arena and the crowd started clearing out, but you went back into the arena also. You of course received a few nasty glares because not many people knew you were DJ's official girlfriend you just weren't ready for the public criticism you would receive.

Once you were back around the locker rooms you waited for DJ to emerge. While you were waiting other players quickly started to come out each one greeting you with a hug or small smile.

Finally you heard DJ's voice booming through the halls making you excited to see him. But once he rounded the corner you saw him all hugged up on one of the cheerleaders. You saw him smiling a smile that you thought he only gave you. Seeing them two together made you feel hurt, humiliated and furious all in one. You thought the love you two had was something sacred something that he couldn't share with anyone else. 
You didn't know if you just wanted to walk away, cuss him out or fight the bitch, so you just froze there shocked with your mouth hung open. "Chr-Chrissy" DJ stuttered, quickly untangling himself from the cheerleader "What are you doing here?" He asked walking towards you "I was here to surprise you but I guess I'm the one that got the surprise" you uttered close to tears. The closer and closer he walked towards you the more you backed away. You didn't want him touching you when his hands were just all over her. You turned around to leave  but suddenly felt DJ grab your arm making you turn around quickly punching him square in the jaw from instinct and anger. He stumbled back looking at you with wide eyes. You saw a glimpse of rage cross his features before he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "I definitely deserved that" he said calmly "but just tell me what I can do to make it up" he begged giving you his signature puppy dog eyes that always made you melt under his control. But he wouldn't be able to get away with it this time. "DJ I just need time away from you so I won't try and punch you in the throat next time I see you. Have fun with your little bitch. But I bet she can't ride like I do" you said walking off.

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