Date Night

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Like every other morning you woke up to your alarm clock blasting in your ear.  You rolled over and saw the empty spot next to you making you wonder where your boyfriend ran off too this early in the morning.  You stopped worrying about him and gathered yourself together and dragged up out of bed, walking into the bathroom. You grabbed a wash cloth, towel,  underwear and your dark kiss body wash getting ready to shower. But of course before you got in you turned on you and your boyfriends favorite song Can't Stop the Felling by Justin Timberlake.  After you finished washing your body you stepped out the shower drying off, pulling on your bra and panties. You walked out of the bathroom right as soon as your boyfriend was getting off your phone with someone. "Who was that?" you asked sitting on the edge of the bed lathering your body in some dark kiss lotion. "your boss" he said calmly while watching you lotion your body distractedly. "and what were yall talking about?" "oh i was just telling her that you're not gonna be able to come into work today" you looked at your boyfriend of a year and a half puzzled wondering whats gotten into him all of a sudden. "care to explain?" you said running out of patience with him. "Look baby" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you down on the bed to sit with him. "For these past couples of weeks we haven't been us lately. We've been snapping at each other over the littlest things, haven't been having fun, we haven't even been having sex like we used to. I'm not about to sit here and ignore it and wait for something to happen. I'm taking shit into my own hands" after he said what he had to say you couldn't help but have mixed feelings. You were relived that it wasn't just you feeling like this and also happy that he was taking a stand in this situation since you had no idea what to do to try to mend you guys' relationship. But at the same time you were scared. What if after all this you two just couldn't get back to where you once were? He is your best friend, your confidant,  and one of the only people you can trust. If you were to lose him you would be devastated and you knew he would be too. "So finish getting dressed while I go take my shower baby ok" he said giving you a quick peck on the lips. "oh and I made you some pancakes and bacon" he said closing the bathroom door.  You threw on a white tank top and your panda sweatshirt over it since its gonna be a little cold out today. You paired it with some black skinny jeans and some black combat boots, leaving your hair in its natural puff. 

After you both got dressed your boyfriend dragged you out of your shared apartment into his black jeep patriot. "So where are you taking me?" you asked anxious and excited all at once. "you'll see baby,just be patient" he said teasing you knowing how you don't handle surprises well. 

After a hour and a half long ride you two finally reached somewhere you've been trying to talk him into go every since you two got together. CAROWINDS! Yes. you've been wanting to go to Carowinds every since your last visit. "Babe are you fucking serious!?" you squealed "Yes I am! check it out" he said pulling out two tickets. You squealed in excitement jumping out of the car. As you walked  around the car waiting for him to get out he pulled a bag of of the backseat pulling the bag onto his shoulders."What's in there?" you asked "Our swimwear, we can't go to Carowinds without going to the water park you dork!" he said locking the doors and walking with you to the front gate.

*3 hours later*

You exited the roller coaster happy and full of adrenaline. Today was definitely going down as one of the best days ever. You were surprised at your boyfriend's behavior today.  He was being sweet and gentle but that's almost everyday no surprise there. What surprised you was the fact that he let you drag him onto every roller coaster, even the biggest one without him fighting you on it. It wasn't that he hated them heights were just his phobia, and the fact he was getting over it for you and actually trying to have fun made you feel extra special.  

After riding all the rides including the water rides you and your boyfriend hit the pool. You guys didn't want to go to the front of the pool because it was so crowded so you decided to just chill on the side a little further back where you two could have your space. As you were floating there you saw your boyfriend smiling happily in his own little world. "What's so funny babe?" you asked splashing some water on his face smiling at him "Oh I was just thinking about how great today is going" he said wiping his face on his arm "really babe?" "yea. I mean..." he got a serious look on his face and swam a little closer to you to talk. "After everything we needed a day like this. I was so scared that we wouldn't be able to come back from everything but this is a great start" You started to think back on what happened and you couldn't agree more with him. A couple of months ago you found out you were pregnant, for him that was the best news he could ever receive but to you it was the absolute worst. You didn't want a child until you were as ready as possible or at least finished with school with a decent paying job .  You tried to talk him into having an abortion but he wouldn't budge claiming that it was meant to be. So after days of constantly arguing you decided to take matters into your own hands and went and got an abortion. Of course you felt like a murderer and backstabber for doing what you did but you would rather that than be an awful mother. After hearing what you have done to your unborn child your boyfriend left you for a whole month. No call, text, and he even blocked you on every social media website. There was just no getting to him until he came back. Once he came back he admitted to everything he did which unfortunately included him sleeping with a couple of other girls. You wanted to be mad but you knew you couldn't be it was only fair after what you've done. You two forgave each other and decided to do a do over but there was just a little to much hurt to go back. That's why its been so tense lately. To your relief you started to feel the tension leave your body and ready to get back on track to where your relationship once was. 

After your much enjoyed time at carowinds you ordered a pizza from the nearest pizza hut from your apartment. You paid for the pizza thanking him for the amazing day at the amusement park. Once home you two watched Annabelle while eating the pizza together. As you two sat there stuffing your faces and being scared out of your mind you couldn't help but feel like everything was right between you two, actually better.  After your relationship going through the obstacles that yours has gone through and it still being the beautiful thing it has been since the beginning  just proves that you two belong together. 

After Annabelle and pizza it was finally time for bed. You took a quick shower to wash the chlorine from your hair and body. After you was finished you pulled on his big Clemson shirt and some panties and jumped in bed. "So after today how do you feel baby...about us?" your boyfriend asked as he crawled in bed with you. "I honestly feel like everything will be ok babe. I feel like we are right back to where we used to be or at least to where we would be if all that shit didn't happen" you confessed. "Honestly babe I feel the same way. I know one great day at Carowinds won't change everything that happened but at least I know that we can overcome the tension and get back to where we used to be. WE can actually stand to be n the same room, car together". Hearing that your boyfriend felt the same way that you did made you want to cry and smile with joy at the same time. You knew that this was the man for you and that this relationship was going for the long run and you couldn't be happier. 

Once you two finished talking you got comfy in bed ready to go to sleep, but felt him kissing and biting your neck. You smiled knowing the fun that was about to take place. 

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