3: Want You

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3: "I give everything to you"

Life or death, Ruri's answer has always been clear.

If he wanted to embrace death, he wouldn't need to live so hard long ago.

He shook his head. "Very good~" The voice suddenly became high, and Osamu Dazai

narrowed his eyes and was satisfied with his answer, "Then tell me all your information."

For people, the act of speaking is the hardest thing to do.

With his hands tied and unable to even speak body language, Ruri lacked all means of communication.

His silence made those Mafia subordinates feel offended, and immediately, someone suggested that Ruri be executed to avoid future troubles.

"I think it's not that he doesn't want to say it, but he can't say it."

But Osamu Dazai is indeed the man who will lead the port mafia to the top in the future. Ruri's question comes with a different possibility.

"Maybe it's because of his organs that he can't speak."

At this time, he was not an otaku, and he was quite active. When he thought of the possibility, he immediately stretched out his hand, and squeezed Ruli's cheek without any pity.

The pulp of the fingers clamped the boy's cheek, and with a little force, forced the crack between the boy's lips to open, revealing the bright red tongue inside.

Dazai Osamu only glanced at it, and then withdrew his hand without interest: "It's wrong, it's probably caused by some kind of power..."

End, completely correct.

Ruri opened her eyes in shock.

He never thought that in just a few breaths, his troubles would be seen through by the youth in front of him.

Still without the slightest hint!

The light that burst out from the bottom of his eyes was like a mirror that was wiped clean, reflecting the clear and bright lake water, and the sand and stones at the bottom of the lake could be clearly seen.

Dazai Osamu was stunned for a moment, and then it was as if he had really seen Ruri's face for the first time, showing a thoughtful look: "It seems that I am right."

He suddenly narrowed the distance with Ruri, almost The tip of the nose was against the tip of the nose, and the smell of disinfectant penetrated into Ruri's nasal cavity, and the next second, he felt the hot breath of the other party spraying on his face.

Those kite-colored pupils captured his eyes without blinking, and they could almost see through his soul seriously.

The young man looked at him like this, and the smile on his face became stronger: "I just found out that you have a very cute face."

Ruri: "...?"

At a loss, a palm fell on on his shoulders.

"You can talk now." The

next second, the young man in front of him moved away freely and returned to his usual expression, as if the provocation just now was just an illusion.

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