29: Tooth Mark

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29: "bitten by a cat"

As the conversation in the cafe gradually progressed, Gong Qianjian keenly noticed that something was wrong with Teacher Liuli.

Perhaps it was because he spent a lot of effort in coping with this conversation, and every move of Teacher Liuli would be reflected in his eyes.

Therefore, he easily discovered things that Nozaki Utaro didn't pay attention to. "Mr. Liuli

, do you feel very hot?"

Gong Qianjian temporarily put down the discussion of the contract, and asked thoughtfully, "Do I need to change a seat away from the sun?"

more red.

He wanted to break free from Osamu Dazai's palm, but the man beside him was much stronger than him.

Under the premise of not daring to exert force, Liu Li had to give up, and said with a dry smile: "There is one thing, it doesn't matter, we can finish it soon."

"That's what I said." After explaining a few words in detail, he took out a pen and said, "If there is no problem, please sign here." Before

Ruri could reach out to pick it up, Dazai Osamu had already picked it up, and he was flipping through the pages in a rather leisurely manner. After a few contracts, his eyes quickly swept above, and then he asked Gong Qianjian some questions.

Gong Qianjian answered one by one, and couldn't help being surprised.

He thought that this gentleman was just here to accompany Teacher Liuli, but he did not expect that the angle put forward by the other party was quite professional and sharp, and he almost asked all the dead ends in the contract.

This made him take Dazai Osamu more seriously, and explain any doubts as clearly as possible.

"It's all right, how about you?" After the inquiry, Dazai Osamu pushed the contract to Ruri.

Ruri still believes in her boyfriend's vision. Although this boyfriend is not a hard-working type, he still has the ability to lead the mafia to glory.

This kind of contract matter is handed over to him, and it is guaranteed that there will be no problems.

So, without looking at it, Ruri signed it directly. After the most important contract was over, both parties breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then the next step is to sign your name on the 30 comic books that have been trial-printed first, and conduct some simple interviews." Gong Qianjian rigorously explained the subsequent process, which was communicated before. Ruri had no opinion.

Because it was a long time later than expected, Gong Qianjian needed to call the company to connect.

And when he couldn't care about it, Nozaki Umedaro once again turned into a top fan, leaning forward constantly, staring at Ruri with sparkling eyes.

"I didn't expect Mr. Liuli to be so young, but he could create works that shocked the comics industry. I am so moved!"

"I have carefully watched every page of your comics, and the recent plot is especially soothing. People feel refreshed, and I'm looking forward to your next chapter!"

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