74: Accept You

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74: end of text

    Want to go back?

    Back in that cramped, but their own home?

    Back to the world where only the two of them lived, where only the two of them depended on each other?

    Ruri was confused.

    He has been away from the original world for too long, so long that he almost forgets the past.

    And he no longer has a reason to escape from the world, the leader Dazai Osamu is by his side, and they have completely solved the estrangement.

    No matter how you look at it, it is the most correct choice to come down at this time, but, but...

    the voice that faintly emerges from the bottom of my heart is telling, telling the desire to stay here.

    Perhaps, after he came to this world and really met the people of the Armed Detective Agency, he understood what a warm home is, and no longer worry about gains and losses.

    In other words, there is more than just the leader Osamu Dazai in his life.

    He acquired richer colors, more beautiful emotions.

    "Ruri...do you really want to leave?" Atsushi Nakajima looked at the hesitant Ruri with some reluctance, and was the first to ask.

    Although he knew that Ruri didn't belong here, he couldn't deceive his feelings and wanted to do everything he could to keep Ruri from leaving so early.

    As long as one person speaks, the other members can't help it, and you speak every word.

    Qimu Nanxiong watched all this quietly, not intending to interfere with Ruri's decision.

    "...We are all reluctant to part with you." In the

    end, Kunikida stood up on behalf of everyone, pushed down his glasses, and concluded seriously: "But it's just our thoughts, we will respect all your choices, Ruri."

    Everyone They all expressed their feelings frankly, but only one person stood indifferently in the same place and never spoke.

    Ruri once again cast her eyes on Osamu Dazai suspiciously. From the beginning, he felt that Osamu Dazai was unusually silent.

    The other members of the Armed Detective Agency also realized that the most troublesome person in the past didn't even interrupt, and looked at Osamu Dazai in surprise.

    "...Mr. Dazai." Atsushi Nakajima even blinked and began to remind Osamu Dazai in a low voice, "Ruri is going back, don't you want to say something?"

    Osamu Dazai raised his eyebrows under everyone's eyes. Lifting his eyelids, he looked at Ruri at the center.

    There seemed to be a strong struggle in those kite-colored eyes, but it returned to normal in an instant, revealing a calm smile.

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