11: It's Not Right

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11: "Save people"

Kunikida walked alone on the street.

The pedestrians coming and going were caught in his eyes, but they just swept away and looked at the next person.

This street is not prosperous. Although there are various shops around, but because it is not too far from the slum, you can occasionally see beggars and refugees walking on the street.

Just because of the factors that the port mafia ruled this area, it has always been a peaceful zone, and no disputes have arisen.

However, even so, most ordinary people will still feel uneasy and will not go deeper into this area.

Kunikida Dobubu is not among these people, he is one of the members of the Armed Detective Agency.

Yokohama is respected by three parallel organizations. It is handed over to the police during the day and the port mafia at night. It is the duty of the Armed Detective Agency to control the boundary between day and night - dusk.

Originally, the detective agency became famous, and in recent years, there have been several power users, which is simply even more powerful.

It's just that each of these entrants has a little problem, which makes Kunikida a headache.

"That guy Dazai, where did he run off to!"

He cursed through gritted teeth.

The man he was looking for was one of the most problematic members of their detective agency.

No, today Japan wanted to solve the entrustment together, but the bastard named Osamu Dazai ran away early on the way, leaving Kunikida alone and exhausted.

After a long day of exhaustion, Kunikida was still in charge of bringing the people who had slipped home.

He inadvertently glanced at a shop selling steamed buns, touched his somewhat empty stomach, and walked over, intending to take a break.

"Boss, here are two buns."

"Okay." The middle-aged male shopkeeper who greeted him happily, looked very hospitable, and dressed him as big buns.

Hearing the pungent smell of steamed buns, Kunikida's expression finally eased.

At this time, he suddenly found that someone silently approached behind him.

No, it should be said that he silently approached the bun shop, stopped a little further away, and looked at the fragrant buns.

Kunikida Dubu was a little wary because he was wearing a black cloak, and even his head was tightly wrapped, so that no one could see his face.

Although this kind of place is a mixed bag, this kind of dress is not uncommon, but perhaps because of occupational diseases, Kunikida Dobubu still frowned instantly.

He found that the person who came was a little short. Judging from his stature, he should be a teenager. The only shoes he could see under his feet were exquisite and luxurious leather shoes, which were not affordable for ordinary people.

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