59: Confession

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59: "is it okay?"

That night, the two ghost-like figures went their separate ways and went to the places of their respective missions.

As a result, the two organizations, the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia, were attacked by the enemy one after the other on the same night.

And the appearance of the enemy was not concealed at all, as if revealing his own confidence.

Looking at the familiar hat under the moonlight and the sharp blue eyes of the other party, Kunikida Dubu, who was kicked for no reason, instantly sank: "Zhongyuan Zhongya!"

They had been with Zhongyuan Zhongya before. After a lot of trouble, I thought that no one could do anything to keep fighting, but tonight, Zhongyuan Zhong also took the lead.

"You have provoked the wrong person, but don't blame me for not holding back."

The young man squatting on the wall stood up, subconsciously buttoned the hat on his head, the cold light in his eyes flashed, and the whole person turned into an orange light, Slashes right foot mixed with gravity ability from above.

Kunikida Dobu almost used the fastest speed to dodge, and finally managed to dodge the blow.

However, he was also angry, and took out the book called Ideal: "Single Walker!"

The eyes of the two met in the air, as if with sharp knives.

Tonight is still very long.

At the same time, a raid was also taking place outside the port mafia.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Before the guard on the outside could fully say the cry for help, three bloodstains were suddenly caught behind him.

It almost splattered out of it, and the severe pain came, causing the guard to faint silently.

And a certain figure that landed lightly on the ground shook off the blood on the tiger's claws, staring at the guard who fell to the ground with indifferent eyes, the figure flashed, and it struck the front again at a very fast speed.

As a 'white god of death', Atsushi Nakajima is particularly good at killing people, but this time, for the sake of being a port mafia in another world, he didn't kill him, but just made him faint.

The order Mr. Dazai gave him was to make some noise, let the people of the port mafia see his face, and retreat as soon as they met a senior member or cadre, so as not to be caught.

Atsushi Nakajima always kept this order in mind, walked calmly around the port mafia, and deliberately slowed down to let others see his appearance.

After they successfully achieved their goals, Nakahara Nakaya and Nakajima Atsushi moved a little bit, and deliberately walked around the organization to which this world belonged, before finally putting on a black cloak and returning to the leader Osamu Dazai.

The plan was flawless, and the next day, the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia were fully convinced that the raid was the work of each other.

Akiko and Yosano were still wrapping a bandage on Kunikida's chest.

"It's too much! They dare to raid!"

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