30: Incarnate the Sun

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30: "Tell the world you are mine"

Being able to send a special reporter to conduct an interview with a cartoonist, this treatment has always been available only to well-known cartoonists.

However, the existence of Ruli broke this rule. When the newcomer comics were still serialized, the reporter very earnestly requested an interview with him, which is enough to show how popular he is now.

When Ruri and Dazai Osamu came to the editorial office of Shueisha girls, they happened to bump into the editor-in-chief who was going to copy the documents.

Looking at the horrified look in the editor-in-chief, who had been very cold to him, after hearing his pseudonym, Ruri couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

"Male?! That teacher Liuli??"

There were also all kinds of wailing and wolf howling in the office.

"What should I do, I haven't thought about this possibility at all! I even prepared desserts that women like!"

"What about the female role model, don't ah!"

"Impossible, how can a man write Such a delicate inner drama! Is it me crazy or the world is crazy!"

"Looks so young! Is she sixteen?! I thought she would be a strong woman with a mature woman, and I even regarded Teacher Liuli as a Here's a role model."

Watching these people's performances, it's completely predictable how big a shock it would be if all the comic readers knew the gender of Mr. Liuli!

Fortunately, the interviews that followed were all normal questions, and no one asked if the manga written by Ruri was her own experience.

It is estimated that as soon as he is male, this possibility is directly dismissed.

Soon, they learned that Ru Li had no father or mother, and they learned that Ru Li had never formally learned to paint, but was just a hobby. They figured out the reasons for his immature painting style.

"Mr. Liuli, do you want to reveal your gender to the public?" After the interview, the reporter asked hesitantly.

He knows how big news this is, but Mr. Liuli now needs the recognition and admiration of women to maintain his undefeated position. If he is a man publicly, he will likely lose a lot of traffic. "No need." Ruri didn't think about it that much, he just thought about the scene of a group of people scolding and crying when they found out that he was

a man, and he couldn't help shivering, "Keep it a secret for now."

The newly printed comic booklet is signed with a pseudonym, and the task of coming to Tokyo is officially completed.

Although you can go back to Yokohama at any time, Ruri and Dazai Osamu have a tacit choice to stroll around Tokyo and relax everywhere.

As a result, while strolling along the main street that circled yesterday, they met an acquaintance again.

"Finally found you!!"

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