55: Beautiful Alone

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55: "It's miserable, it's really miserable."

Today is the day when Ruri quit the game, and Kusuo Saiki sat in front of the TV early, watching the show happily.

Although he has not been able to successfully pull Ruri's career up until now, and every appearance ends in failure, he is still very gratified in the face of Ruri's voluntary withdrawal.

However, after Ru Li said that she would withdraw from the competition, the program team immediately announced that Ru Li would make her solo debut as an individual. This change suddenly made Qi Mu Nanxiong vigilant, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

And when he used his clairvoyance to search for the people inside the building, he saw a smiling boy with bad water in his stomach.

Unsurprisingly, it was Qimu Kongsuke who wanted to fight him, so he deliberately arranged his debut event.

Big asshole!

Qimu Nanxiong was so angry that his teeth were itchy. Although he really wanted to rush over at the moment and grabbed the collar of Qimu Kongsuke to teach him a lesson, but seeing that Ruri was about to go to Qimu Kongsuke, he didn't want to appear in this way. In front of Ruri.

There was no other way, Qimu Nanxiong could only hold back secretly, silently observing the situation in the house.

Qimu Kongsuke is indeed the person he hates very much. His name was revealed in just two or three sentences, and he also threatened Ruri condescendingly, obeying his command, and being a plaything obediently.

Not to mention Ruri's stunned face, even Qimu Nanxiong couldn't listen to it anymore.

On the matter of debut, he and Ruri's stance is completely the same.

That is to say, the current Ruri is his partner, and this fellow Saiki Kongsuke is their enemy!

"Speak up."

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Nanxiong Qimu used telepathy on Ruri, which could unconsciously induce others to do what they wanted.

He wanted to use Ruri's ability to teach Saiki Kongsuke a lesson that was guaranteed to be unforgettable.

Although Qimu Nanxiong had always been wary of Ruli's active use of abilities, once the initiative was in his hands, he became fearless.

He believed that as long as the trouble of Qimu Kongsuke was solved here, the negative influence factors on Ruri would also decrease rapidly.

Seeing Qimu Kongsuke's rare startled appearance, Qimu Nanxiong felt a sigh of relief, not to mention being overjoyed.

However, it was hard for Ruri, who was regarded as a tool man.

At this time, he had no idea why he suddenly used the ability, but he had to cheer up to deal with the trouble in front of him.

"...What ability did you use on me just now?"

Saiki Kongsuke looked a little dazed, staring at his palm, as if immersed in an illusory scene like a dream, unable to personally experience the changes in himself at the moment .

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