70: Plan

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70: "a gift"

    All of this stemmed from Qimu Kusuo's plan.

    Of course, there is also a gift from Qimu Kongsuke to his dear brother.

    - All-round shield.

    Compared with the psychic power shield he designed for Fyodor for personal use, this gift is obviously more perfect. It is designed in the style of a collar. As long as you wear it to talk, you can automatically block the power. .

    Obviously, this was designed for someone like Ruri, who couldn't control his abilities.

    Although there is no way of knowing why Qimu Kongsuke designed this kind of thing, he finally took it out and handed the shield to Nanxiong Qimu.

    Qimu Nanxiong originally didn't want to accept this big brother's things, but this shield can't make things even superpowers can do.

    With a tangled expression on his face for a long time, Qimu Nanxiong finally took over the shield and used teleportation to disappear.

    Although Kusuo Qimu alone can choose to rush to Fyordo's base to rescue Ruri, but he can see from a distance that Ruri's condition is not good. If he doesn't completely solve Fyordo here, he can protect Ruri for a while. , can it last a lifetime?

    Therefore, after thinking about it, he felt anonymously passing on information to members of the Armed Detective Agency.

    And use the identity of 'I am the mysterious person who sent Ruri to this world' to gain the trust of Dazai Osamu and the others.

    This process is by no means easy, but it is not particularly difficult, because everyone cares about the existence of Ruli the most. Once they are united and work together, they trust each other, and everything is for the rescue of Ruli.

    Qimu Nanxiong was responsible for trying his best to deliver the shield to Ruri, which was undoubtedly the most difficult step in the battle.

    But once successful, the wind of victory will blow towards them.

    After Qimu Nanxiong succeeded, the next thing was much simpler. He used "fine snow" to create an illusion without the eyes and ears of Feyordo. Going to face Fedor directly.

    The result was very gratifying, and Ruri was successfully rescued.

    It's just that they carefully observed Ru Li's state, but their hearts couldn't help but sting. The originally sunny and lively teenager now has a far-fetched smile.

    You can see at a glance what kind of treatment the teenager has experienced this week.

    The members of the detective agency had sour noses. Facing Ruri, there were some things they wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

    Are you suffering?

    Are you working hard these days?

    He couldn't say anything at all, and there seemed to be a thorn in his throat.

    However, before they could figure out what to say, Ruri first hugged Dazai Osamu, and then kept her eyes wandering among the crowd, with a faint light in her eyes: "Dazai...I mean someone from another world. Dazai, where is he?"

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