46: Double Slaughter Duel

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46: "Don't hit me, I'm about to be hit stupid!"

"Stop, stop, pause for now!!"

Zhongyuan Zhong was about to be tortured mad by the two Dazai, so he could only hold his head and raise the volume, trying to loudly expel everything that interfered with his thoughts.

"So which one of you is Dazai?!" His eyes kept wandering between the two Dazai, revealing his doubts one by one, "Did the other guy use supernatural powers? Camouflage? Or something like mind control? , it can't be twins!"

His brain was in chaos, and for a while, he could only think of these possibilities.

However, the two Dazai Osamu looked at each other, and at this time, there was a surprising understanding.

"What do you think?" Dazai Osamu in the black trench coat smiled, "Who are we really Dazai Osamu?"

"This..." Zhongyuan Zhong also got stuck when asked, and his mind was full of black lines, "Please, please. How can I tell the difference if they look exactly the same!"

He wasn't the roundworm in Dazai's stomach!

"This is really sad." The

two Dazai Osamu also made a sad shrug, and their gestures were very similar.

"Obviously we've been together in a hotel for so long." Osamu Dazai in a black trench coat lowered his eyes and suddenly took out a piece of paper in his arms.

The special texture is enough to prove that this piece of paper is not fake: "The Oracle of Silver is here, do you still need to tangle?"

Zhongyuan Zhongyao's eyes lit up, and he immediately reconfirmed that the black trench coat Dazai was the one he had been working on recently. Followed by Osamu Dazai.

The next second, he glared at the sand-colored windbreaker Osamu Dazai beside him with fierce eyes, and sneered: "So you are a fake, you have lied to me for so long, huh! Wait, I will be fine. Let you suffer!"

"I am the real Dazai Osamu, but I know a lot about you."

Unexpectedly, Osamu Dazai in the sand-colored coat blinked his eyes innocently, and turned over his dark history at a speed that could not cover his ears.

"You forgot that year when you drank the wine that Mr. Sen gave you, and went to the beach to dance with your upper body naked, all the subordinates did their best to bring you back from the beach."

Zhongyuan Zhongya: "... "

And the newly bought locomotive has just been ridden a few times, and it was inexplicably involved in the dispute and exploded into fireworks. In fact, I secretly blew it up."

Zhongyuan Zhongya: "..."

"Well, it's actually mine ." There are still pictures of you wearing various makeup when you are drunk, do you want to see it? Although I secretly painted it for you."


Yes, these are private things that only the real Dazai Osamu knows about.

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