16: Truth Revealed

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Dazai Osamu was stunned.

He understood his usual image in the Armed Detective Agency.

No one was willing to believe his innocence, and they jumped out and started accusing others of being scumbags.

--"What the hell did you do to this child, bring it in truthfully!"

In general, everyone was questioning him about this sentence.

And no matter how Dazai Osamu argued that he didn't know Ruri, and he hadn't even met before today, no one was willing to believe him.

Ruri sniffed, and after the anger passed, her brain became clearer, and she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The dignified port mafia leader was scolded at the nose by a group of subordinates, and he didn't dare to refute, this... how can this have any dignity as a leader?

Moreover, although the solution of hatred by thousands of people is a solution to hatred, Ruri still likes Dazai Osamu.

You can accuse him as much as you want, and it's not so comfortable for others to accuse him.

He was about to stand up to defend Dazai Osamu's majesty when clear footsteps gradually came from outside the door.

Immediately, the door was pushed open, revealing a figure full of vitality.

"I'm back... huh?"

Seeing the scene where Osamu Dazai was surrounded by a group of people, he was slightly startled: "What happened to Mr. Dazai?"

Kunikida pushed down his glasses and turned to the new detective at the right time. The members of the club responded with a friendly smile: "Thank you for your hard work, Don, it's just right."

He turned to his side, revealing the figure of Ruri who was still holding on to Dazai Osamu's collar.

"It's too much trouble to talk about, let me introduce you first..." Before

he finished speaking, Ruri, who was already familiar with the voice line, turned around suddenly, and even unwittingly released the restraint on Dazai Osamu. Not paying attention.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at the young man walking towards him.

Under the silver bangs cut diagonally, those familiar half-gold and half-purple eyes met his eyes.

In an instant, Ruri's heart suddenly filled with joy, followed by a sudden sense of peace of mind.

He moved away from Osamu Dazai without hesitation, and walked quickly to Atsushi Nakajima, patting his shoulder excitedly.

Although Ruri once left a letter to Dazai Osamu asking not to blame Atsushi Nakajima, who was implicated by him, there were too many twists in the end. First, a stranger with pink hair stunned Atsushi Nakajima, and then The disappearance of Atsushi Nakajima made him completely unaware of what happened to Atsushi Nakajima in the end.

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