14: I Got It

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14: "Just keep on acting"

Abandoning Nakahara Nakaya, who was speechless in anger, Osamu Dazai pushed Ruri's back and quickly left the dangerous place.

Ruri was surprised at first that the members of the organization would fight in the nest, but then he suddenly realized.

Could it be that Osamu Dazai and the others would come to the hero to save the beauty, and it was also calculated? !

Just to make him feel dependent, so that he won't take the initiative to escape again!

It's absolutely amazing!

Ruri's heart was shocked, but he had to admit that this plan was very well designed.

When he saw Osamu Dazai who was chasing after him with a smile on his face as if he was in his grasp, he was hit hard and once again lost the desire to escape.

Sometimes, giving up hope is just a momentary thing when you see the person.

Ruri escaped from the organization in order to get more things, but he overturned in the first step of leaving the organization, which really made him a little discouraged.

Dazai Osamu and the others took him to a secluded place where almost no one passed by. After that, the two of them stood in front of him one by one and cast their eyes on him at the same time.

Ruri originally thought that they would reveal their nature and give him the most fatal blow, but Kunikida Dubu just sighed slightly and rubbed his hair: "Just now that is the cadre of the port mafia, very dangerous, I will try to avoid him when I see him in the future. Open."

Ruri: ...?

He's a little stupid, things have come to this point, why is he still acting?

After he nodded in confusion, Osamu Dazai and Kunikida glanced at each other, and finally got to the point.

Kunikida Dobubu is not good at being ruthless with such a weak child. If it weren't for Ruri's behavior that was too suspicious, and he even made the move to escape, he didn't want to treat him with a questioning tone.

Fortunately, Osamu Dazai, who used to be very good at torture, can share his worries:

"Just now, why did you run away?"

The smile on Osamu Dazai's face often made people think that he was easy to get along with, but in fact, there was no trace of emotion in those eyes.

Ruri instinctively felt a little nervous. He knew that Osamu Dazai didn't like listening to him making excuses, so he apologized directly.

'I was wrong, I'm very sorry'

After the whiteboard was wiped clean, he wrote another line: 'I will atone for my sins'

, he took off his shoes under the slightly startled eyes of Osamu Dazai and the two, and put them down. to the side.

Immediately, without saying a word, a apology came and went down.

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