9: Mantis Catching Cicadas

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9: "Now you can repay me"

    A figure flashed by in the forest, and the fast speed almost turned into an afterimage.

    He ran tirelessly along the shortest straight path, until the sun hung high in the sky, a drop of sweat dripped from his cheeks, and his breathing became a little short, and then he slowly stopped.

    Taking off the black hood covering his head, he revealed a silver hair like moonlight, and the bangs on his forehead seemed to be cut diagonally, looking very individual.

    He bent down and placed the young man he was holding carefully on the ground, his icy eyes instantly warmed, overflowing with endless admiration.

    "Is it enough to get here?"

    Liu Li carefully closed the cloak on her body and typed on her mobile phone: "Well, after this is a bustling street, it is not easy to track it."

    He has carefully planned the follow-up. All the possibilities of escape seemed to be confident at this moment.

    He showed a big smile to Atsushi Nakajima: "Thank you for your hard work, you are free from the pursuit of the organization for the time being, you can go back..."

    Seeing Atsushi Nakajima just staring at him with erect pupils, without speaking, he typed He paused for a moment, and sighed helplessly.

    It's impossible.

    Once the person who is hit by his power will not obey the order to leave him or let him go.

    And if he drags on like this, he will be greeted by a new round of crisis.

    Either rely on the opponent's character or mental strength to live for a while, or Ruri's own mental power is stronger than the opponent's, and he can force the opponent to do some distracting things, and Ruri will run away!

    "I want to be with you." As he pondered, Atsushi Nakajima couldn't suppress the emotions that erupted in his heart, and suddenly put his hands on his shoulders, "I won't let you go alone."

    Maybe it was because of Ruri The words just now stimulated his heart, and as soon as his hands clenched hard, Ruri felt the pain that was about to be crushed on his shoulders.

    His low voice still contained terrifying killing intent, and there was a flickering light in his half-gold and half-purple eyes. Anyone who looked at him felt that his current mood was very unstable.

    "I understand." Ruri showed a reassuring smile and patted the back of Atsushi Nakajima's hand, "Okay, let's go together."

    He chose to use his own voice to put a few layers on Atsushi Nakajima Although the shackles of spiritual influence will lead to deeper love for the other party, he also has the opportunity to command the other party.

    Seeing that Atsushi Nakajima finally slowed down, he suggested softly: "But if we leave like this, the escape route will be exposed, so can I ask you to destroy the footprints we made when we came, and do a few misleading things by the way. The trap?"

    Ru Li said very sincerely, and her eyes were full of pleading: "You know the strength of the organization, if we are discovered, our end will be very tragic."

    "So I'll wait for you here, you can arrange it. It's a good trap, okay?"

    After making a reasonable request, Atsushi Nakajima's face showed a bit of struggle.

    Intellectually told him it was the right thing to do, but emotion was holding him back.

    I don't want to leave, I don't want Ruri out of my sight!

I Ran Away after Dumping the BossWhere stories live. Discover now