21: Astringent

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21: "Your charisma is too low"

After a whole night of psychological construction, Ruri and Dazai Osamu secretly met again in a room the next day.

With the warm spring breeze blowing outside the window, Ruli's babbling voice like a stream is also slowly entering my ears.

Soon, Osamu Dazai understood his current situation and summed it up accurately: "In general, you think he doesn't trust you, he never tells you the truth in his heart, and he treats you coldly for a while. Enthusiasm, right?"

After receiving Ruri's approval, he nodded thoughtfully: "This is quite in line with Mr. Mori's character, doubting everything, even the closest people will not completely trust."

"..." When Ruri heard Mori Ogai's name, her forehead jumped wildly.

I have to say that every time Osamu Dazai mentioned Moriou, it was like a knife pierced into his heart, but he couldn't hide or defend himself, he could only wait quietly for the blood dripping everywhere. .

So sad.

"Then facing this problem, it's very simple." Dazai Osamu suddenly said.

Ruri immediately looked at him brightly.

Dazai Osamu spread his hands: "What does a boyfriend like this want him to do, let's break up quickly~"


Dazai Osamu's strength staged something to make me pit me, and Ruri exhaled silently.

"I refuse. Is there a more reliable way?"

He looked at Osamu Dazai again with expectant eyes.

As the saying goes, no one knows him better than himself, and he is also Osamu Dazai. The advice that Dazai gave him must be of great reference value.

"Yes." Living up to his expectations, Osamu Dazai nodded with a smile.

And in Ru Li Yue's bright eyes, he held his chin in one hand, and a rather sinister smile evoked the corner of his lips: "My suggestion is-"


These two words murmured softly from his mouth, with a slightly ambiguous color.

Ruri also froze in place at the same time, blinking her eyes, showing an expression of disbelief: "...Huh? Are you sure?"

Not sure.

After all, Osamu Dazai only said it because he thought it was interesting.

"I'm sure." Osamu Dazai explained solemnly, "Most of the bright princes throughout the ages have gradually become faint because of the gorgeous concubines in the harem, who do not love the country but only the beautiful. Therefore, you have not gained that person's trust. A big reason, It's just that you're not attractive enough!"

"Think about it carefully, have you ever been obsessed with him in the past and made him delay reviewing documents?"

Ru Li thought about it seriously, and the answer he got made him very discouraged: " No."

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