41: Boxing Gloves

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41: "It's no longer needed"

Nanxiong Qimu activated one-way telepathy, which made the real scene in the snake cave reflected in front of Ruri's eyes.

Since this ability requires mind sharing, Qimu Nanxiong also suffered the mental crit of more than a dozen cobras spitting out letters, and his face couldn't help but distorted.

But there was no way, in order to make this 'scared you' battle a success, and to make Ruri unbalanced in the game alone, Kusuo Saiki still resisted the tingling of his scalp and controlled Ruri's thoughts.

He clearly saw that the boy's smooth movements got stuck, and his pupils shrank rapidly, revealing a terrified look.


Qi Mu Nanxiong's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed.

At the same time, the mobile phone in the director's room vibrated, and a message came from a person nicknamed Jin's father.

The director quickly looked at the mobile phone, and waved his hands at the staff almost without thinking: "Quick! Implement plan b!"

Ruri's brain at the moment is blank. In the snake cave, it is like a small animal actively sent into the mouth of the hunter, weak, helpless, and pitiful.

The scalp was numb for a moment, and the whole body seemed to be covered with coldness. Ruri stood there with a pale face, and was stiff for a while, without any movement.

His super nasty snakes crawled towards him in groups right in his face, what a scary and heart-wrenching scene.

Ruri's scream had reached her throat, but she couldn't shout at all because of the extreme panic.

If it was him an hour ago, after seeing the scene in front of him, he would definitely run out of here desperately in fear.

But, coincidentally, the gold master's father just gave him an impressive round of brainwashing.

"Don't run away, but think about how to overcome it."

This sentence seemed to be engraved in Ruri's mind, so the first thought that came to the surface was no longer to escape, but to use everything in his hand to attack!

As soon as this thought moved, his body bent down reflexively, and took out the six flying knives tied to his legs.

After that, the toes were a little bit, and the two hands successively drew a semi-circular arc in the air, and threw all the flying knives held between the fingers.

The young man's blond hair swayed gently with the large movements, his eyes were half-squinted, and the end of his eyes leaked a bit of sharp light.

This kind of expression is completely different from the cute smile that he showed before, as if the little milk cat has transformed into a majestic tiger, and his body is bathed in domineering.

His movements are as graceful as dancing, and he has the neatness and dexterity of battle. The two overlap, and the flying knife in his hand draws a shocking coldness straight ahead.

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