60: Crazy

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60: "The evildoer, showing its true form"

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Of course, Osamu Dazai narrowed his eyes sharply, exuding a strange aura all over his body, while Osamu Dazai, the leader wearing a nightgown, stood there smiling, in a good mood like the bright sunshine outside.

"...Why are you here?"

Dazai Osamu asked in a repressed manner after confronting him coldly for a while.

"Ruri stayed overnight last night, so naturally it's here." The

leader Dazai Osamu hooked his lips sarcastically: "Why, will I be here? I don't need your consent."

"Ruri and I were originally a couple . relationship, you have nothing to do with him, right?"

His eyes fell on his naked/exposed neck, and Osamu Dazai stared at the red marks for a while, then took a deep breath: "Did he agree?"

"Do you think I will force him?" Chief Dazai Osamu sneered.

At this time, Ruri's hazy voice seemed to come from the house: "... Dazai?" The

leader, Osamu Dazai, immediately turned around and called in a soft voice: "Wait, I'll be right

here ." This is the best explanation, Dazai Osamu's eyes flashed thick darkness for a moment, and then he turned his body without saying a word, and walked out silently.

"I hope you don't come again in the future." The

leader Dazai Osamu warned him in a low voice, and closed the door indifferently to isolate him from the outside.

After doing all this, Osamu Dazai, the leader, suddenly felt extremely relaxed physically and mentally, as if the annoying dog had finally given up chasing his baby, there was no pressure.

The leader, Osamu Dazai, who heard a knock on the door, was fully prepared to drive Dazai Osamu, and his method was very effective, and he won the victory without much effort.

Now, Ruri is finally his alone.

He returned to the bedroom contentedly, looking at the boy who was still asleep while holding the soft quilt, he couldn't help but smiled lovingly.

The leader Dazai Osamu silently squeezed to Ruri's side, stroked the soft blonde hair, and hugged the boy tightly in his arms.

Sniffing the good smell coming from his hair, he smiled and sighed, his heart seemed to be filled, and he was very familiar with it.

And the behavior of Ruri subconsciously hugging him into his arms made him even more elated. He hugged Ruri for a long time, but couldn't let go.

It wasn't until Ruri opened her eyes that she felt too hot and uncomfortable that this morning's tiredness was over.

The leader Osamu Dazai, who had been gentle all night, was very kind to Ruri at this moment. He had to be caring and caring, caring and caring.

"How do you feel, are you tired?"

Looking at those kite-colored eyes, Ruri could also feel the tenderness in it. Although he really wanted to complain that they were both old couples and old wives, what were they talking about, but he was very rare at the moment. Indulging in Osamu Dazai's long-lost embrace, he nodded coquettishly.

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