69: Successful rescue

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69: "finally found you"

    Due to the appeal of idol Ruri and manga artist Ruri, a huge crowd surrounds a spacious outdoor stage in Yokohama.

    Everyone was whispering whether the manga artist Ruri-sensei and idol Ruri were the same person.

    They came here in pursuit of the truth, waiting under the scorching sun, looking forward to Ruri's appearance.

    In the outermost part of the crowd, there is no lack of a big man wearing a cloak, covering himself tightly, with a bulging waist, and he will subconsciously touch it at any time.

    These are the subordinates that Fyodor arranged in advance. Because there were too many people gathered, it was not easy to control. Fyordo separated almost all the subordinates, leaving only a few people to protect himself.

    Seeing that the food needle pointed to twelve, the audience below began to riot, and Fyodor could almost imagine the appearance of all the members being controlled for a while, smiling gently.

    He put the shield that restrained Ruli back on, and confidently did not control this issue remotely, but accompanied Ruli to the stage.

    In fact, unless he made all of his minions deaf, Fyodor would never put them with Ruri alone.

    In case of being controlled by the mind, all these plans can be lost.

    "Let's go."

    Fyodor personally held Ruli's hand and walked towards the center of the stage with Ruli.

    But he just watched Ruri go to the stage, and would not allow himself to be exposed to everyone's eyes.

    Therefore, when he saw Ruri's back, he didn't see the shimmering eyes of the young man when he raised his head, regaining the incomparably beautiful vitality.

    Because he was going to go on stage, Feyordo specially bought new clothes for Ruri, and carefully groomed the other party.

    Although the teenager looked a little thin, his scarred wrists were covered by clothes, and when he raised his head and smiled, he became the glamorous idol again.

    The moment he appeared, the bottom suddenly became silent.

    Pairs of eyes were watching Ruri, anticipating what information he would announce.

    Only a few attentive people found out that Ruri was not wearing a typing machine today!

    So how should this young man speak, it must have been recorded in advance.

    However, what shocked all of them was that the boy held the microphone, opened his lips slightly, and said a word in person: "Hello everyone, I'm Ruri."


    For a while, the person below Everyone took a deep breath.

    Ruri actually spoke!

    Aren't his characters all dumb characters, he's been lying to them and digging his own grave? ?

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