56: Pig Teammate

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56: "You are......?"

The two Dazai Osamu had nothing to say.

After all, they are really poor.

In contrast, Ruri is now a rich man.

Not only the copyrights earned by the comics, but also the extra cost of the show team for each appearance, so there is no need to worry about food or clothing.

Therefore, they have no right to refute Ruri's decision to move out, and at the same time comfort themselves secretly in their hearts, at least not to go to the other Dazai Osamu's side, that's fine.

And Ruri also felt that he hadn't joined the Armed Detective Agency in the first place, so it wouldn't be good to bother him any more. As for the port mafia, he didn't want to go back at all. After much deliberation, he came to the conclusion that he temporarily moved out and lived alone.

And the two Dazai Osamu are really too annoying, and it's not bad to move out and be quiet and quiet.

It's just that his idea was too naive. Almost on the day Ruri picked a house and was cleaning and packing her luggage, the door bell rang.

The smiling Dazai Osamu waved to him with a look of anticipation that he would not invite me in.

"..." Why are you here again, didn't you just meet yesterday!

The corners of Ruri's mouth twitched, feeling a little tired: "I haven't sorted it out yet, it's not suitable to settle down."

"It's okay." Dazai Ji said naturally, "I'll help you clean up, it will be over soon.

" It was so fast that it made people very suspicious that he was running towards Ruri and would not refuse this.

No way, Ruri had to let him enter the door.

The door had just been closed for a minute when the doorbell rang again.

"..." Ruri opened the door and saw a face exactly like Dazai Osamu.

The only difference was that he was wearing a black trench coat. When he saw him, his eyes were filled with soft warmth.

Before he could speak, Ruri was the first to explain: "There's no place, I'm cleaning up the house."

"It's okay." I heard the very familiar words again, "I'll help you clean up, it will be over soon."

... as expected Osamu Dazai, even this set of rhetoric is not bad, the twins are not so tacit.

Ruri had to open the door again and invite the leader Osamu Dazai to come in.

The leader, Osamu Dazai, showed a satisfied smile, but this smile collapsed instantly when he saw Osamu Dazai staring at him with a grin at the door.

"I didn't expect you to be there." He glanced at Osamu Dazai indifferently, and there was no need to hide the unhappiness in his tone.

"I didn't expect to see your disgusting face again." Osamu Dazai stuck out his tongue at him and snorted, "It's really haunted.

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