49: Too dog

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49: "You were never companions"

"...It's you again."

The young man in a black coat, with his straggly orange hair pressed under his hat, was looking at Osamu Dazai with a complicated expression, and helplessly swallowed his sigh.

"Why, are you so disgusted when you see me, Zhongya?" The leader Dazai raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile, "The dark circles are a bit serious, can't you sleep?"

Zhongyuan Zhongya: ...hehe .

Who made Atsushi Nakajima and him a pair without authorization? Otherwise, where do you think his dark circles came from? !

However, before he could answer, Osamu Dazai quickly picked up the topic: "I think about it, I don't have much interaction with you, and the person you hate is definitely not me. If you have any grievances, you can find them as much as you like. I don't mind at all in this world."

"...You really hate Dazai, obviously you are alone."

Zhongyuan Zhong also complained with black lines on his face.

"Just because he is a very similar person, that's why I feel bad for him." Osamu Dazai said indifferently, "What's more, he also cheated on my person without authorization."

"Anyway, this time, it's Mr. Mori. You and your subordinates can be moved by me."

He looked at Zhongyuan Zhongya, and showed a slight smile: "If you have a good relationship with me in this world, and you are not willing to do anything, I can give Sen personally. Sir, ask for


replacement There is still Liangzi that has not been resolved, and now I can finally have a good time!"

Thinking of the stage incident some time ago, the various things that the members of the detective agency did to him, the killing intent in Zhongyuan Zhongyao's eyes was about to take off. come out.

At that time, due to the situation and position, there was no way to start, but now it is different!

With Mori Owai's support, he can let go of his beatings, and be happy!

Seeing that his whole body showed an awe-inspiring aura, it didn't seem like he was cheating, and Osamu Dazai was satisfied.

With Zhongyuan Zhongyao, this head-to-head confrontation is almost certain to be their victory.

It's best to make a toss about it, and let the other members of the Armed Detective Agency think it's Dazai Osamu's betrayal... Things are even more interesting.

Dazai Zhi smiled with a full stomach, and had already simulated the battle plan in his mind for a while.

It's just that the small army he led has not yet set off, and it has since caught up with a super troublesome person.

"Mr. Dazai!!"

There are very few people who can address him so respectfully in the port mafia, and with this eager tone and urgent call, there is no need to look back, and Osamu Dazai understands what he is chasing after. people.

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