61: My Muse

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61: "I'm coming to pick you up"

    Looking at the tearful young man lying on the ground crying, Ruri suddenly felt a big headache, and quickly put away her fists and turned to comfort the other party:     "

    What's the matter? Why are you crying again?"

Looking at him: Look at your fist just now, how dare you ask me?

    This pitiful look made Ruri really reflect on her own actions, as if it was a bit too cruel, but isn't this to wake up the bastard Dazai Osamu?

    So Ruri pretended to be serious and exhorted: "If you return to normal, I will not beat you. Are you awake now?"

    It was Dazai Osamu's series of babbles who answered him.

    This pitiful little expression, this watery and aggrieved look, when he stared at Ruri, Ruri believed that no one would be willing to reject such Dazai Osamu.


    It seems that it is not as scary as before, but it seems to be obviously abnormal.     Being tortured and losing her temper, Ruri could

    only help Dazai Osamu to sit on the sofa, while gently slapping each other's back to reassure him: "Okay, don't cry, my heart is about to break."

When there was no longer any danger, Dazai put his head on Ruri's shoulder and sobbed softly.

    And under the coaxing of Ruli, he also confided his heart intermittently: "Why did you choose that bastard, obviously I am better."

    "That guy will only take advantage of you, and he is neither caring nor gentle. "

    Ruri nodded absent-mindedly, while warningly pulled out the hand that was secretly clenching her shirt.

    Who takes advantage of whom?

    He asked with his eyes.

    Dazai Osamu's face was innocent, as if he didn't understand what he meant, he continued to stick to Ruri's side and began to babble.

    "And I was the first to pick you up when I came to this world. I also taught you how to survive and how to fight."

    "You obviously escaped from that guy, why do you want to go back?"

    "Wuwuwu can't understand, sad, disappointed, it's why Dazai Osamu is so lucky."

    As if to vent all the complaints in his stomach, Dazai Osamu murmured back and forth, but fortunately, Ruri really felt like that. Doing hurt Dazai Osamu's heart, he didn't dislike him, just stayed by his side gently.

    However, Ruri always feels that love is unreasonable. Although he is basically the same person, he also loves Osamu Dazai, but he still likes Osamu Dazai who saved him from the darkness.

    This mood will never change.

    Ruri, who felt that she owed Osamu Dazai, had nothing to do, as long as she dutifully stayed by her side.

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