5: Teach Bad

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5: "Never mind your own business anymore"

At this moment, Ruri and Zhongyuan Zhongya get along very happily.

Although he can't speak, Ruri is equipped with a mobile phone specially made for him by Osamu Dazai. As long as he enters the text, a soft female voice will speak it for him.

As for why it is a female voice, it can only be said that this is the always weird and evil taste of the leader Dazai Osamu.

"Relax, Zhongya, you don't have to be so respectful to me in private, and I don't have the capacity to make you respectful."

On the way to the library, Ruri quickly spoke up.

Hearing what he said, Zhongyuan Zhong also slightly relaxed his straight back, but still explained seriously: "No, you are an important person to the leader, then your status should be the same as the leader."

Ruri gave him a deep look : "It seems that you really respect Dazai."

This sentence directly caused Zhongyuan Zhongya's serious expression to collapse again, and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he heard something completely unbearable.

"Actually, my respect is just a way to endure Dazai." He took a deep breath, and a terrifying gleam flashed in his eyes, "If I don't do this, I'm afraid I'll go up and punch him.

" .

Ruri tried her best to cover her mouth to keep her laughter from showing.

He knew how complicated Zhongyuan Zhongyao's attitude towards Dazai was, but he never expected that it would reach this point.

Are you refusing to beat Dazai every day? It was so interesting.

In order to prevent the surveillance cameras from retrieving information, Ruli quickly typed a few words on the mobile phone and handed it to Zhongyuan Zhongyao.

[Support, beat him, I wanted to beat him for a long time. 】

The eyes of Zhongyuan Zhong also lit up instantly, as if he had found a confidant: "You think so too! Ha! I knew that no one can stand that bastard for so many years!"

He laughed himself as he spoke.

His eyebrows were soaring, his smile was bright, and the mature and polite atmosphere quickly receded, leaving behind the freshness that only he had when he was a teenager.

Compared to just now, the relationship has suddenly become much closer, and the atmosphere is full of warmth.

The library was quickly approached.

As soon as you enter the house, you can see the books on the shelves, and the vastness can be compared with the library in the city.

This was the first time that Zhongyuan Zhongyao came to the library. After seeing this terrible amount, he couldn't help but smashed his tongue.

The original organization definitely didn't have so many books, but because Ruri loves to read books, since three years, Osamu Dazai has let various people collect books and put them in this room, gradually forming the grand appearance of today.

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