68: Who is Liuli

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68: "shush"

    The comic "The Domineering President's Runaway Wife" has already become popular all over the country, and it will be a hot search if there is something or nothing. Almost all teenagers can talk about the content.

    What everyone is most looking forward to is waiting for the publication of the monthly magazine every Sunday, then flipping through the comics to satisfy the inner desire.

    However, in the past two weeks, it has triggered a major event that people all over the country are discussing.

    That is the comic "The Domineering President's Runaway Wife", the author has stopped updating for two weeks, and there is no relevant explanation!

    The readers exploded one after another, strongly wanting the author to continue writing, but they did not have the communication method of Teacher Liuli, so they could only choose to call Shueisha's customer service phone in a fierce way.

    In just a few days, Shueisha's customer service phone was hit, and the editors in charge of the girl full were also bald because of this sudden incident.

    They also want to contact Teacher Liuli, and they also want to hold Teacher Liuli's thigh and ask the other party not to stop changing, at least give a reason to explain it.

    However, the fact is that they have now lost the whereabouts of Teacher Liuli, and they are not answering calls or text messages, and they are in a state of being unable to find anyone at all.

    Gong Qianjian, the editor in charge of Teacher Liuli, frowned and looked preoccupied all day long. He never thought about the possibility of losing contact with Teacher Liuli. Just two weeks ago, Teacher Liuli was busy with work. He is very pleased that he can also contribute high-quality manuscripts every week.

    He even felt that Teacher Liuli's character definitely didn't mean that he didn't contact him on purpose. The only possibility was that something happened to the other party.

    This is a very dangerous idea.

    He secretly suppressed this worry in his heart, and reassured the reader over and over again that Teacher Liuli was just not in good health, so don't worry.

    Some readers choked with sadness, some roared with anger, but all of them expressed their love for this comic.

    By the end, Gong Qianjian had almost skillfully dealt with all the guests and answered the next phone call skillfully.

    "Hey! Mr. Jian! Where did Teacher Liuli go! I haven't received any information about him recently. This is very wrong. Could it be that he was kidnapped! He was kidnapped! Do you want to report to the police!!"

    "… ..." Gong Qianjian glanced at the familiar number on the screen and cut off the call instantly.

    The next second, the phone rang tirelessly again.

    Gong Qianjian sighed with a headache, but still picked up the phone: "Draw your comics well, Mr. Mengye, recently some readers have reported that your content has been watered, and the style of painting has also collapsed. This is a big problem for girls. Bogey."

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