28: Ambiguous Game

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28: "Stimulate!"

"I accept."

Akashi Junpei stood up and showed a determined smile to his mentors, "Let me help him."

This child is Akashi Seijuro's cousin, and Ryota Kise is naturally interested in him. After a little while, he also reminded: "Don't you need to confirm in private what talent you want to perform?"

"It doesn't matter." Akashi Junpei walked slowly to the stage below, and glanced at Ruri, who was so thin that it seemed to be broken when he broke it. wrist.

Whether a person has undergone hard training can be seen from the amount of muscle mass, and Ruri seems to be the type who does not like sports for a long time, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

After standing in the center of the stage, he first stroked the red hair around his ears, leaving the most handsome face for the camera, and then slowly looked at Ruli: "What should I do?"

'It's very simple'

Ruli showed a sweetness He smiled and held up the white paper: 'Just stop where you are and don't move around'

"Huh?" Akashi Junpei frowned, not expecting his assistance to be so easy.

But at this moment, Ruri stretched his hand into the small bag he was slung across, and after touching it twice, he took it out again, and a red apple appeared in his palm.

Shengxue's complexion matched that of the red apples, showing more and more youthful delicacy.

However, Ruri immediately chose two candidates who were sitting on the stage as assistants. This time, they were completely voluntary, and they were just supporting roles with some props.

"I'll do it." Shibasaki Aizang was the first to raise his hand, and then a blue-haired boy near him also volunteered to stand up.

Like Atsushi Nakajima, the boy's bangs were cut diagonally, which made Ruri feel a little familiar.

He secretly remembered the other party's name, Someya Yujiro, No. 35.

Shibasaki Ai hid on the stage, and hesitated to speak to Ruli, having a lot of things she wanted to say to Ruli.

He always thought that Ruri was reluctant to talk and said that the other party was strange. Now thinking of the quick words at that time, he felt like he was slapped twice in his heart, and it was very uncomfortable.

I want to apologize seriously, I want to apologize for my recklessness, but now is not the time to talk.

Shibasaki Aizang cheered up, and under the guidance of Ruri, he and Someya Yujiro grabbed Akashi Junpei's arms from left to right, preventing him from moving at will.

Several people faced the center of the stage with their sides, only showing half of their faces to the audience, and the camera had to quickly turn the position to capture the most perfect angle.

However, all the onlookers were very puzzled, especially when Ruri put the apple on top of Akashi Junpei's head, let alone what kind of talent it was performing.

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