27: Become an idol?

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27: "kill you"

"Since you are so grateful to me, how about putting it into action?"

Osamu Dazai smiled deliberately and ambiguous, teasing the young man in front of him.

"Action?" Ruri was stunned, looking at the young man whose lips were more and more curved, suddenly smiled happily, "Okay!"

"Then let's add you to my comics." Ruri wanted to take it Writing, "How about a frivolous playboy? Is it appropriate?"

He shyly pursed his lips: "After all, everyone has been on camera, so I feel very guilty that you didn't appear." Before

he said anything, Dazai Osamu, whose mouth was already twitching, grabbed his hand and firmly refused: "No, I don't need this kind of treatment, it's enough to leave this kind of good thing to Kunikida and the others!"

"Is that so?" Ruri Pretending to hesitate, "But you said you wanted a reward..."

"You heard it wrong." Dazai Osamu slapped himself without hesitation, "I never said that."

Ruri thought about it seriously. laugh.

Sure enough, the detective agency is now afraid that he will write, and a threat will be accurate.

Ruri suddenly felt a strange sense of satisfaction, as if he was in control of other people's lives.

But Ruli didn't just say it casually. The new character image of his next chapter of the comic has not been decided yet. Now the detective agency has gone through a round and there is no material... Then it can only be...

A brief light suddenly appeared in Ruli's eyes, and I remembered it. A black-hearted organization in a black uniform.

It's just that before painting, he still has something to do.

Ruri said slowly to Osamu Dazai: "When it comes to rewards, it's not impossible."

"I have a chance to travel to Tokyo for free. Come with me!"

"Tourism?" Osamu Dazai blinked, but instead Surprised, this is the first time that Ruri has made an intimate invitation to him after getting along for so long.

Generous is like changing a person.

Before he could ask, Ruri had already turned over the text messages on his phone to him.

"It was the editor of Shueisha who invited me, saying that they intend to integrate my manga into one volume and sell it, and hope that I can go to their company to sign a contract."

"And they also want me to be interviewed by reporters and on the new page. Sign autographs to increase popularity."

"Of course, to put it bluntly, it is to make readers willing to pay for my comics."

After saying all this, Ruri smiled happily: "It just so happens that I feel that it is a bit psychological to go to a strange city alone. I'm not at ease, if I have you with me, I will feel a lot more at ease."

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