10: Oriole Behind

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10: "I'll keep watching you"

    That palm was like a lofty mountain peak, pressing down from above, no matter how hard Ruri tried to escape, she couldn't break free.

    He was as solid as a rock, motionless as a mountain, and with ease, he folded his palms, grasping Ruri's lifeline little by little.

    The air couldn't flow into the lungs, the blood kept shrinking, and the heartbeat speeded up... A series of symptoms appeared on Ruri, which made him quickly feel the pain of suffocation.

    The will to live made Ruri struggle to hold Qimu Kusuo's arm with both hands, and forcefully pushed it back.

    However, his and Qimu Nanxiong's strengths are really far from each other, just like an ant fighting an elephant, there is no chance of winning.

    And even if Ruri wanted to use his supernatural ability to temporarily save his life, he couldn't say a word at this moment. It could be said that the pink-haired boy in front of him had blocked all possibilities.

    This had to make Ruri suspicious. The other party chose to strangle him in this way, just to prevent him from using the ability.

    But at the same time, the pink-haired boy's hand was gradually exerting force, and it seemed that he did not intend to kill him in an instant.

    Ruri couldn't understand what Kusuo Saiki was thinking.

    Just a minute ago, the other party saved himself from Atsushi Nakajima's killing intent, but in the next second, he would strangle himself to death without saying a word.

    ...isn't this the legendary neurosis!

    Why, you just watched Atsushi Nakajima kill me!

    If it wasn't for the strong sense of suffocation and unable to make other expressions, Ruri really wanted to roll her eyes.

    At this critical juncture of life and death, Ruli can still scatter her attention sloppily, which is actually a rare and wonderful work.

    But he didn't just wait to die here. Instead, he carefully clicked on the mobile phone around his waist after his arms were weakly lowered.


    Immediately afterwards, a clear voice came from Ruri's position.

    It was Ruri's own voice!

    Perhaps it was because he knew that Ruri couldn't speak, but at this moment, he heard the other party's ability strangely.

    Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ruri quickly took a breath of fresh air, and this time, she commanded with her original voice: "Let go of me!" In

    an instant, Qimu Nanxiong's pupils shrunk.

    The stalemate was immediately broken, and on the wall of the mind that Kusuo Saiki stood up, the figure belonging to Ruri walked out of it.

    Putong putong, the heart began to beat faster, and the blood pulsed.

    A strong emotion almost rushed to Qimu Kusuo's brain, occupying his rational thoughts.

    Looking up again, the Ruri in his eyes has become a very special existence.

    As if standing there, is his whole world.

    There is nothing in his world that he can not want, he only wants the love of that young man.

    In an instant, Qimu Nanxiong's expression changed, he released the palm that was holding Ruri within a second, and took a step back.

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