12: Got Caught

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12: "I don't want this kind of boyfriend"

This is not right!

A signal of vigilance flashed frantically in Ruri's mind.

He never expected that his original idea was to save a person who had a back image of Osamu Dazai, but he didn't know why it suddenly turned into saving Osamu Dazai himself!

He opened his eyes as soon as he heard the familiar voice line. In extreme disbelief and tension, Ruri found that the man in front of him looked like Osamu Dazai, with black curly hair, handsome features, even a frown and a smile. is surprisingly similar.

At this point, Ruri was still able to deceive herself that there were two people who looked alike in this world, but the call behind her directly smashed Ruri to wake up like a thunderbolt.


Ruri shuddered violently when she heard the name, and no longer had any luck.

It turned out that it was all planned!

Who would have thought that Osamu Dazai didn't lead the crowd to search for him in Yokohama, but he went to the riverside to pretend to commit suicide, and then induced him to come forward.

He was caught without a single soldier, high, really high!

But he was really fooled!

Ruri was suddenly miserable, and felt that there was no love in this world at all.

He looked tremblingly at Osamu Dazai, who was looking at him carefully, and then he saw the other side show a terrifying smile:

"Why did you stop me from committing suicide?"

Ruri: I want to know that you still stopped it. shit. Smile.jpg

But if it's really a waste of time talking to Osamu Dazai here, there's no chance of him escaping anymore.

Ruri gritted her teeth, patted Osamu Dazai's hand away, and suddenly jumped up.

He grabbed his hood tightly, and stumbled to the rear, just wanting to run as far away from Dazai Osamu as possible.

However, he just slipped away and didn't pay attention to the road ahead. He just ran a few steps before he ran into a figure, and it was the other party who reached out to support him and made him stand firm.

"Are you alright?"

Ruri raised her head and looked at the man who was carefully beating the dust off his clothes.

The other party was the one who rescued Osamu Dazai. Although Ruri had never seen him in the organization, he was able to call the leader's name directly, showing that he was also a confidant whom Osamu Dazai liked.

With a wolf in front and a tiger in the back, Ruri felt a mountain of despair again.


He can't run.

Just as he lowered his head in disappointment and was about to accept Dazai's punishment, the blond man standing in front of him suddenly took a step forward and protected him behind him.

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