58: Back Home

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58: "dog bites dog"

This is the first open and honest date with Ruri, the leader of Dazai Osamu.

Looking at the couple talking and laughing in front of him, and looking at Ruri walking side by side with him, the leader Dazai Osamu's eyes were dazed for a moment.

It's no exaggeration to say that such an almost unattainable, bland and happy date would appear to them.

As a leader who could be targeted by the enemy at any time, Osamu Dazai could not go out freely, so Ruri, who was treasured by his side, was also restricted from moving.

It was already a luxury for Ruri to go out by herself, so the probability of the two of them walking in the streets together was almost non-existent.

And now, because Ruri was strangely teleported to this world, he followed closely, and finally got such an opportunity.

At this moment, Osamu Dazai suddenly felt a little fortunate. Fortunately, he chased after him, and he didn't take Ruri away forcefully for the first time.

For fear of being recognized by fans, Ruri wore a hat, and Osamu Dazai could only see the smooth curve of his chin slightly.

But as long as he opened his mouth to speak, the boy beside him would immediately raise his head and show him a bright smile like the sun.

Dazai Osamu's heart suddenly jumped, and he hadn't felt such happiness for a long time.

Like ordinary couples, the two walked around and bought two movie tickets.

Dazai Osamu had almost never been to a movie theater, and looked at the dim surroundings with a little curiosity. He was not really interested in movies, and was more willing to stare at the handsome profile of the boy.

Ruri, who was sitting on his left, looked at the screen with a serious face, unaware of his gaze, and looked very focused.

Seeing that the white arm resting on the armrest was in front of him, Osamu Dazai's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly handed over his palm slowly.

Cover the opponent's palm and move gently.

He could feel Ruri's palm beating slightly, but he didn't show any resistance. Dazai Osamu held back his excitement, and his mind was full of wanting to go further. Tightly clasped together.

Until the end of the movie, the two of them left the theater, and the palms together were never separated.

This is not different from what ordinary couples do, and Dazai Osamu and Ruri have only finally realized it now.

The sweetness made Dazai Osamu extremely regret, why he had never thought about such a thing.

Maybe people tend to cherish something when they lose something. Until now, Osamu Dazai finally began to realize that he had missed too many things before.

But it doesn't matter, he still has a lot of time to make up for all this.

Noticing that Ruri stared at a western restaurant for a long time, Osamu Dazai quickly realized that it was Ruri who wanted to eat.

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