26: Male Mother

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26: "Die together!!"

Before Ruri and Dazai Osamu left the bookstore, an anxious voice came from behind.

"Two gentlemen! Please wait!"

After turning around, he found that the clerk of the bookstore was chasing after them in small steps.

Seeing that they finally stopped, the clerk finally stopped out of breath, and apologetically folded his hands together

and said, "Sorry, there was some problem with the machine just now, and the book number was not recorded when paying, can you? I'd like to delay the two of you a little more time, and re-enter it?"

Usually no one would refuse such a small request, Dazai Osamu agreed with a smile, and let Ruri wait in place for a while, while he followed the clerk back to the door. in the bookstore.

Ruri looked around at nothing to do, and every shop on the street made him feel novel.

Suddenly, he felt someone hit his shoulder with little force, only staggering two steps.

"Are you alright?"

Covering his shoulders and looking up, with his back to the sun, the man with beautiful black hair was looking at him with a smile and asked with concern.

Looking closely, the man has a pair of purple eyes that seem to be flickering with fine light.

Seeing that Ruri seemed to be stunned in place, the smile on the man's face thickened, and he repeated it tirelessly: "I bumped into you, didn't I get hurt?"

Ruri suddenly woke up.

It's so dangerous, he was stunned by the beauty, it's too stupid!

A bit of strange heat appeared on his cheeks, and he quickly shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

But his eyes fell on the man subconsciously, and he peeked cautiously.

His vision became wider, and at this time, he noticed that the man in front of him was wearing a thick and furry coat.

An equally white fur hat fell on the ground, exactly the same as the man's clothes.

Although wearing winter clothes in the hot summer is either mentally ill or an idiot, Ruri was captured by the beauty and took the initiative to pick up the hat and hand it to the other party with a smile.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, beauty is beauty, even wearing winter clothes is so elegant!

The man took the hat and held it in his hand, but did not speak.

He just stared at him with a pair of gem-like eyes without blinking, as if showing some regret.

Such inquiring eyes made Ruri a little puzzled. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then took out a pen and paper and began to write: 'What's the matter? '

"You..." This action made Fyodor Dostoevsky, who was just about to act well, froze in place.

In an instant, many clips flashed through my mind. There was a boy who was holding Dazai Osamu's arm to speak, and a boy who kept his lips tightly closed, as well as this skilled typing posture.

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