1: Canary

839 17 0

1: "My boyfriend is so handsome"

Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, the teenager raised his head and looked at the blue sky in the distance.

The bright afternoon sun shone through the layers of white clouds, casting a faint shadow beneath the thick, lightly quivering eyelid.

His facial features are as delicate as dolls, and his skin is fair and delicate as porcelain.

The blond hair spreads softly behind him, and every strand seems to have a golden halo flowing.

He just stood silently by the window, without any movement, and also without speaking, his still appearance more and more commensurate with the real doll.

Suddenly, a piece of floating feathers reflected in his eyes as shallow as clear water.

He subconsciously blinked his eyes and stared at the white dove in the sky that was flapping its wings and flying towards the sky. Finally, he couldn't help raising his palm against the glass window, and even his eyes showed a bit of urgency.

【Do you know caged birds? ]

[The bird cage is decorated with the most dazzling jewels, and the cage is covered with the most luxurious cloth, which is admired by countless people for its beautiful canary. 】

"I found you." A

familiar voice suddenly came from behind him, the boy turned sideways, and the slightly plump white shirt shrouded his youthful figure.

The cuffs were slightly rolled up, revealing a slender, clean wrist.

After seeing the figure hidden in the darkness standing at the door, he opened his mouth subconsciously, but quickly closed it tightly, his pale lips pressed together, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"I'm the only one here, Ruri."

The man in the dark finally slowly walked towards him, "You can talk."

With the light outside the window, the man's face finally gradually revealed.

He was wearing a tailor-made high-level suit, tall, graceful, and handsome.

Beneath the fluffy black curly hair, those long and narrow eyes seemed to be smiling rather than smiling, and the kite-colored eyes revealed a wise light.

Almost anyone who looks at him will think that this is a smart man at first glance.

But after careful observation, you will find that his skin is pale and bloodless, and his body is thinner than ordinary people.

It exudes from the inside out, as if surrounded by disease, full of morbid beauty.

He stepped on the floor with black leather boots, and quickly walked gracefully to the window, first casually glanced out the window, and then looked down at Ruri with a half-head height boringly.

"Do you like it so much?"

"Because you can see the scenery outside the window from this room."

Ruri put a smile on her face, and very naturally opened her arms to hug the man's body, "You also know that your chief's office is all dark. It's a piece of lacquer, you can't see the outside at all, it's just isolated from the world."

That's right, the man who looks a little weak in front of him is not a character who can be slaughtered.

On the contrary, he is the lone wolf lurking in the dark with the deepest, most poisonous tactics and most ruthless means.

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