57: Please Go for Tea

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57: "Send to the bureau for tea"

Chief Dazai Osamu sneered.

Just wanting to hide him with this IQ, it's too hard to take him seriously.

In fact, as early as the moment Atsushi Nakajima appeared, he vaguely guessed the other party's name.

At least he picked up Atsushi Nakajima in another world and spent a few years cultivating it, how could he not even recognize his subordinates.

And when he deliberately cheated with words, the other party automatically exposed the trick without any effort.

"Anyway, it's the one who I asked you to squat here in a mask." The

leader Osamu Dazai guessed calmly: "Let me think, is he planning to live with Ruri in a two-person world, and then induce the two of you to treat me here? Let's start, few people know about this road, and he is also the one who secretly inquired about my itinerary."

"..." All, all in!

Atsushi Nakajima was stunned. Sure enough, this Dazai Osamu was exactly the same as their Mr. Dazai. He was extremely wise and should not be overlooked.

At this moment, Atsushi Nakajima, who was exposed, wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it. It was embarrassing, it was so embarrassing.

It would be fine if he didn't know his true identity. Once he was known, Atsushi Nakajima would be ashamed as if he had been stripped all over.

But the time has come. Even if his identity is revealed, he has to complete Mr. Dazai's task.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." So Nakajima Atsushi could only stubbornly deny his identity, and secretly gave Tanizaki Junichiro a look.

When the leader Dazai Osamu faintly felt that this look was a bit strange, the crisp sound of the iron chains colliding suddenly came from behind him, the speed under his feet slowed down a beat, and a round chain with a large arc fell on the top of his head.

It just happened to fall on his waist, and was pulled tightly by the person behind him.

"I hit it! That's great!!"

Tanizaki Junichiro shouted excitedly from behind.

Didn't expect to catch the target so easily, he looked at Atsushi Nakajima with joy in his eyes.

The leader Osamu Dazai silently looked at the waist tightly bound by the chains, and the new masked man pulling the end of the chain on the other side, his face slightly cold.

Even though he was so careless that he was succeeded by trickery, his reaction speed was still a lot slower.

Moreover, it has been a long time since no one dared to treat him like this.

very unpleasant.

"Isn't it too early to be happy?" The

leader, Osamu Dazai raised his eyebrows, and suddenly pulled his body back with force. In an instant, Tanizaki Junichiro, who was considered a slender figure, felt a savage that was stronger than a cow. The force came from that part of the chain.

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