4: The Rain Is Coming

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4: "Subordinates will keep you safe"

"What kind of devil are you?!" The boy's clear voice exclaimed, interrupting Osamu Dazai's memories.

The desire in the increasingly deep eyes gradually dissipated, and he slowly exhaled.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." His voice was slightly hoarse, Dazai Osamu paused, coughed twice, and returned to his normal expression, "I'll be going out in a while, if I come back early, I'll take you there. The library."

"Are you going out??" As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, and the startled Ruri was shocked.

"What?" Osamu Dazai raised his eyebrows, "Is it weird?"

"You don't go out once a year, but it's not surprising that you went out today!" Ruri gasped.

Compared with his desire to go out but not allowed, Dazai Osamu is obviously the opposite, he does not want to go out because of his own consciousness.

Maybe it was because he was afraid that others would know what the boss of the port mafia looked like, or maybe he was afraid of being assassinated, but in any case, although Osamu Dazai had a reason for not going out, he had no resistance to not going out.

It seemed that staying in the organization or going out made no difference to him.

"Wait, you want to go out but don't take me with you?!"

"Speak!" In the next second, Ruri leaned forward directly, leaned forward in front of Osamu Dazai, squinted at him, "Did you have someone outside? Someone else!"

"Is that person as good-looking as me, gentle and considerate? I don't believe it!"

Osamu Dazai was startled by his sudden approach, his pupils shrunk, like a frightened cat.

"Pfft." But soon, he bent his lips and laughed, "What are you thinking about all day long?"

After laughing, he put his palm on the head of the boy who was staring at him with round eyes. Gently kneaded twice.

"Don't worry, in my heart, you are the only one."

When he is indifferent, he can ignore Ruri's life like a bug, but when he is gentle, he is like a bard, confiding the most touching love words in the world.

Hit by the unexpected love words, Ruri's cheeks were immediately dyed with two pieces of crimson, and she lowered her head a little embarrassedly.

His hair was as smooth as silk, and Dazai Osamu couldn't help but touch it a couple more times. Everything about the boy was so alluring, and his shyness at the moment made him feel very happy.

"I just need to solve some things myself."

Although he said it lightly, Ruri could still hear the seriousness in it.

The task that the leader can handle himself regardless of his life must be extremely important.

Rain is coming.

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